Animal 0 Posté(e) le 2 novembre 2007 Une femelle hippopotame en provenance du zoo de Denver (USA) envoyée au Zoo de Calgary (CANADA), est morte cette fin de semaine parce qu'elle a été confinée trop longtemps dans une caisse de transport. La femelle de 6 ans était destinée à la reproduction... Hippo dies after arriving at Calgary ZooCanWest News ServiceMonday, October 29, 2007CALGARY -- A female hippopotamus sent to the Calgary Zoo for breedingdied on the weekend after being confined to a shipping crate. Veterinary staff at the zoo said the six-year-old animal's death waslikely the result of it being forced to lie in one position in the cratefor too long, as the hippo traveled to Calgary from the Denver Zoo.Calgary staff lifted the hippo, named Hazina, into a holding pool in adesperate bid to restore circulation, but the attempt failed. The animaldied Saturday.It's been an unlucky few years for the Calgary Zoo's large mammals. Anelephant calf born in the zoo died in late 2004 after being rejected byits mother.And the zoo has lost three of its western lowland gorillas since April.Donge, a 21-year-old who was suffering from a chronic illness, waseuthanized in August. In May, Julia, a mother of four and the zoo'soldest western lowland gorilla, died at the age of 37 from severe liverdisease.Tabitha, 27, died in April after suffering a seizure related to a brainabscess that was surgically treated when she was eight months old.Calgary Herald Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
linda lachapelle 0 Posté(e) le 2 novembre 2007 ben oui c'est certains ils ont pas penser qu'elle aurait peux-être eu besoin d'un arrêt entre les deux endroit et qu'elle avait peux-être soif ou faim cette pauvre ! mais encore là les lois nous prouvent que rien n,a changer et que les animaux ne sont pas protéger nulle part!!! Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites