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linda lachapelle

venez m'aider à diffuser ces massacres

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je vous diffuse les adresses que j,ai trouvé et voici une amie de la France a fait pour m'aidez à ce que cette diffusion soit réaliste,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Gevraagd wordt om een TV- programma uit te zenden over de bonthandel in China.
Een Canadese dierenactiviste is zo vriendelijk geweest de televisie-adressen in Canada op te zoeken.
Het zou handig zijn om deze ook in Europa aan te spreken.
Kan iemand mee helpen zoeken naar TV-stations in eigen land?

On demande de faire un programme de télé sur la commerce de fourrure en Chine.
Une activiste animalière a été si aimable de chercher 2 adresses de stations de télévision au Canada : la TVA salle des nouvelles, et TQS.
Nous pourrions faire la même chose pour l'Europa.
Qui peut aider à trouver les stations dans son pays?

A canadian animal activist has been so kind to look after 2 addresses of télévision stations in Canada, namely TVA and TQS.
We could do the same in Europe and other continents.
Who can help finding the stations in his country?

Humans - who enslave, castrate, experiment on, and fillet other animals - have had an understandable penchant for pretending animals do not feel pain. A sharp distinction between humans and "animals" is essential if we are to bend them to our will, make them work for us, wear them, eat them - without any disquieting tinges of guilt or regret. It is unseemly of us, who often behave so unfeelingly toward other animals, to contend that only humans can suffer. The behavior of other animals renders such pretensions specious. They are just too much like us. --Dr. Carl Sagan & Dr. Ann Druyan, Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors, 1992

Dear Madam, dear Sir,

This is the other side of modern China, the host country of the Olympic Games 2008.
This is also the real China which all the world is trading with.

Please read this short, but so important letter and have a look at the videos and photos of all these poor creatures who are suffering daily.
It's so tragic!.
This is not the idea of evolution of man I have in mind. This is barbarism.

"Animals crammed into tiny wire cages and loaded onto the backs of trucks. Up to 800 animals at a time are transported this way on long journeys to markets across the country.

On arrival, the cages are thrown to the ground - often shattering the bones of the animals inside. The animals scream in agony as they are slammed against the hard concrete

The cats and dogs are pulled from their cages and violently bludgeoned, strangled with wire nooses, boiled and bled to death before having their skin ripped from their bodies. Some of the animals are still conscious as the fur is torn from their twitching bodies. The skinned dogs and cats lie still alive on their fellow-sufferers.

The skin from these cats and dogs often is deliberately mislabelled as fur from other species – or not labelled at all – and exported to the UK and other countries, ending up as fur coats or fur trim."

How low do we as humans have to sink, before we realise what beasts we are in a world full of animals who never ever will have thought about doing such cruel things to a animal called human???

Gandhi once said, "The moral progress of a nation can be judged by the way it treats its animals".

Please help to stop this ... disgusting madness. Help them by showing the world how they are threated! They need you!

Thank you ,


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Je crois que la personne voudrait qu'on écrive aux gens travaillant chez TVA et TQS (mails en début de message) pour leur demander de consacrer une émission à l'industrie chinoise de la fourrure de chiens et de chats.

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hop a écrit:
Je crois que la personne voudrait qu'on écrive aux gens travaillant chez TVA et TQS (mails en début de message) pour leur demander de consacrer une émission à l'industrie chinoise de la fourrure de chiens et de chats.
merci hop, il faut prendre les adresses que j»'ai mis en haut de la page et envoyé le message ainsi que les liens à vidéo à ces adresses que j'ai mis.Merci

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