Animal 0 Posté(e) le 1 février 2008 Je viens de lire les 2 dossiers d'Animals Angels sur le transport et l'arrivée de chevaux à l'abattoir de Massueville au Québec: C'EST ABOMINABLE !! J'AI LA RAGE !!!!!!!!!!!!! POUR LIRE LES DOCUMENTS: The export of American Horses for slaughter Since July 2007, all horse slaughter plants in the United States are closed -but the slaughter of American horses for human consumption continues. Every week, hundreds of American horses are exported to Canada and Mexico for slaughter. Loaded at auctions all over the country, the animals travel up to 28 hours without food, water or a chance to rest. Many of them are still transported on inhumane double deck trailers, designed for short neck species, where they are forced to hold their head low during the entire journey. By the time the animals cross the border, several of them are already down and trampled by the others. The Commercial Transport of Equines to slaughter regulations require that border officials check on the animals to make sure they are fit for transport. Unfortunantely, Animals' Angels recent investigations revealed that this is often not the case. As a result, upon arrival at the slaughter plant which is often another 600 miles away, many of them are injured or dead. Please read our investigative reports... > The transport of American horses to Canada for slaughter (312 Kb) > Investigation at Richelieu Meat, Inc. (376 Kb) > The transport of American horses to Mexico for slaughter (1771 Kb) The export of American horses for slaugher is a severe animal welfare concern. The transport routes are way too long. Horses are loaded without given food or water prior to the long distance transport. Horses do not have access to food or water during the long distance transport. Horses are transported on inhumane double deck trailers. Horses cross the borsers without veterinary inspection. Import countries such as Mexico do not have sufficient animal protection laws. Since January 2007, the number of horses exported has increased dramatically. There is an urgent need for legislation addressing this issue. The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act would prohibit the export of horses for slaughter. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites