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L'influence de l'activisme pour les droits des animaux

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L'influence grandissante des activistes pour les droits des animaux a une incidence sur la vie quotidienne des américains...

The growing influence of animal rights activists increasingly is affecting daily life, touching everything from the foods Americans eat to what they study in law school, where they buy their puppies and even whether they should enjoy a horse-drawn carriage ride in New York's Central Park.


Animal rights groups pick up momentum - 27/01/08

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C'est un bon article top

Citation :
David Martosko, director of research for the Center for Consumer Freedom, an organization supported by restaurants and food companies, says most Americans oppose cruelty to animals. But he says that activists who say animals shouldn't be eaten or used for medical research or any other purpose won't find much mainstream support.

They already have and they will for sure continue to do so ...

Il suffit de montrer les vraies affaires, sans cachotteries ...

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