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Impact of beef recall widens; soups, sauces affected

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uniquement pour rassurer les consommateurs, car dans les faits, on sait très bien que ce cas n'était pas exceptionnel et que des animaux blessés et/ou malades arrivent régulièrement dans les abattoirs. C'est juste parce que cette fois, la scène a été tournée par des activistes et que l'industrie ne pouvait pas nier !! Rolling Eyes


Impact of beef recall widens; soups, sauces affected

By Julie Schmit, USA TODAY
The nation's largest meat recall could grow into its largest food recall as companies destroy products with any amount of the 143 million pounds of beef recalled last week.
The recall's scope is unprecedented, says the Grocery Manufacturers Association. The value of foods affected — including soups, sauces, burritos and bouillon cubes — could run into the hundreds of millions of dollars, a senior GMA official says.

"It's going to be very, very sizable," says Craig Henry, the group's senior vice president. "We've never had a recall like this." He says it will take weeks to find out how many products the recalled beef went into.

Westland/Hallmark Meat of Chino, Calif., recalled the beef on Feb. 17 after federal officials found it had allowed cattle that could not walk to be slaughtered without notifying a federal inspector to do a required second inspection. Those cattle are generally prohibited from the food supply because they carry a higher risk of mad cow disease and bacterial contamination. Rolling Eyes

There is no evidence the beef, produced over the past two years, was contaminated. There have been no reports of illness. The U.S. Department of Agriculture classifies the risk to consumers as "remote," making the Westland recall less serious than most.

feb 27,2008

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