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Chevaux à la recherche de foyers

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Photos disponibles sur demande.These horses are looking for homes...
pictures available upon request.

"Ever" -12 year old standard bred mare - was used as a broodmare .She had many babies until her body could no longer produce.
Once owner was finished using her she was to be sent to slaughter. Now rescued she is healthy and needs a home by april 1st.( or foster)

EVER, jument en santé, âgée de 12 ans nécessiste un foyer pour le 1er avril.

"Lady" -5 year old standardbred mare. Was a racer until she could not win, then her only value was money at the slaughterhouse. Now rescued ,she is healthy and needs a permanant or foster asap.

LADY, 5 ans, jument utilisée pour les courses. Comme elle ne pouvait plus gagner, le possesseur n'en voulait plus. Elle est en santé.

"Tara and Lyra"-5 year old palamino mare with her 8 month old filly. Left to starve, now rescued...Healthy and need a foster home (potential permanant home)asap

TARA et LYRA, jument de 5 ans et sa pouliche de 8 mois laissée sans nourriture. Prises en refuge. Toutes deux en santé et nécessitant un foyer.

"Malcom"-5 year old chestnut gelding. A bit underweight as he was seized from an abusive situation. Needs someone who will show him he will not be beaten. Foster needed asap.

MALCOM, 5 ans, Saisi d'une situation d'abus. Nécessite une famille sécurisante.

"Sophie" - 6+ year old solid paint mare. Rescued from an abusive situation.*

*SOPHIE, 6 ans. Saisie d'une situation abusive.
*SIKTA, 7 ans. Saisie d'une situation abusive.
*WYOMIE, 4 ans. Saisie d'une situation abusive.

*Ces 3 petites bénéficieraient de demeurer ensemble et de préférence sur un pâturage.

"Sitka" - 7+ year old paint mare.Rescued from an abusive situation.*
"Wyomie" - 4 year old paint mare.Rescued from an abusive situation.*

* Would like all three mares to go together preferably on pasture.

"Stewart" - 5+ year old dark bay large pony gelding. Rescued from an abusive situation.(Needs a foster) ASAP

STEWART, 5 ans. Saisi d'une situation abusive. A besoin d'une FAMILLE D'ACCUEIL le + tôt possible

"Casper" - 5+ year old paint stallion( soon to be gelded). Rescued from an abusive situation.(Needs a foster ) ASAP

CASPER, 5 ans. Saisi d'une situation abusive. A besoin d'une FAMILLE D'ACCUEIL le + tôt possible

'Black" - 27 year old mare quarterhorse. Healthy.(Needs a permanant home) ASAP*

**BLACK, jument de 27 ans. En santé. Recherche une famille permanente d'ici le 1er mai.

"Mandy" - 24 year old mare standard bred. Blind. (Needs a permanant home) ASAP*

**MANDY, jument de 24 ans, aveugle. A la recherche d'un foyer permanent d'ici le 1er mai.

BLACK et MANDY devront être recueillies par la même famille car Black est le guide de Mandy.

* Black and Mandy are to be placed together because Black is Mandy's leader. need homes may 1st

If anyone can help these animals that have to work so hard their whole lives for people please call:


Si vous pouvez apportez de l'aide, un foyer permanent ou d'accueil pour ces chevaux qui ont tant travaillé pour les gens, communiquer avec Rose

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allo Saturne, je n'ai pas cette information, mais Animo viendra sûrement te la donner tout-à-l'heure...

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Actuellement, c'est le Refuge RR qui les a pris en charge suite à une saisie et suite à un avis de quelques minutes à peine mais le Refuge n'est pas en mesure de les garder trop longtemps par manque de ressources. En plus, ils ont fait donner des soins à une pouliche nouveau-né par l'institut de St-Hyacinthe et ça leur a coûté 5,000$. Ils ont un grand besoin de dons pour payer les frais encourus par les soins.

Refuge RR for Horses was involved in the seizure of 11 horses. On a moments notice we were able to place most of them in temporary foster homes. Unfortunatly the less than a week old foal was in such bad condition she had to be rushed to St.Hyacinthe Veterinary Hospital. The original prognosis was grim. Unable to nurse from the mother who received minimal food or water, umbilical infection and open wounds all over her body, the foal was so weak she could not stand.

Now after terrific care and treatment, she may still have a few more weeks to stay at the hospital but things are looking up and it looks like she may have the chance to run and play like other babies.

However, the Refuge is asking for help to cover the vet bill that may be as high as $5000. We also have continuing costs for the others that were abused and neglected.( vet ,blacksmith ,feed)

Please consider making a tax deductable donation to help this baby make it to her first birthday.


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