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Cruauté contre les animaux: la nouvelle loi dénoncée

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p.s.: Ils n'ont même pas parlé des manifestions qui ont eu lieu dans plusieurs grandes villes du Canada dimanche ! Rolling Eyes

Le mardi 01 avril 2008

Cruauté contre les animaux: la nouvelle loi dénoncée

La Presse Canadienne


Des politiciens membres des partis d'opposition ainsi que des groupes de défense des droits des animaux estiment qu'une nouvelle loi contre la cruauté envers les animaux n'est qu'une nouvelle version inadéquate d'une loi complètement dépassée.

Ils affirment que le projet de loi sénatorial est truffé d'échappatoires qui permettront aux criminels de s'en tirer.

Des représentants du Fonds international pour la protection des animaux, de la Canadian Federation of Humane Societies et de la World Society for the Protection of Animals rappellent que la loi canadienne contre la cruauté envers les animaux n'a pas été revue en plus de 100 ans et qu'il est temps de la mettre à jour.

Ils estiment que la formulation actuelle de la loi, qui est reprise dans le projet sénatorial, rend la condamnation des criminels pratiquement impossible.

La députée libérale Marlene Jennings et son collègue néo-démocrate Joe Comartin sont d'accord, révélant leur intention de voter cotre la loi quand elle sera présentée à la Chambre des communes la semaine prochaine.

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(PS: Il semble que le vote n'aura pas lieu ce vendredi mais sera remis au cours de la semaine prochaine)

Hello All,

Congratulations! I want to let you all know that
your hard work appears to be making a difference.
Several Liberal MPs, who have indicated support
for S203 in the past, are either seriously
reconsidering their position or have switched
altogether and WILL NOT be supporting it when it
comes for a vote, likely next Wednesday. We don't
have the numbers yet, but a shift is taking place!

Please thank everyone you know who have been
contacting MPs, especially Liberals; and
encourage them to redouble their awesome efforts
during the countdown to next week's vote.

Thank you!



Karl Maretic
Office of Mark Holland, M.P.
Tel.: (613) 995-8042
Fax: (613) 996-1289

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Écrivons aux libéraux fédéraux

Modèles de lettre

Dear Member of Parliament,

I urge you to oppose Bill S-203 when it comes before the House of Commons for a vote. The government has the opportunity to update our 116-year old animal cruelty law but Bill S-203 is not worth the wait.

It is suggested that Bill S-203 was introduced to improve protection for animals yet not a single animal protection group in this country supports it. I oppose this bill too - because it is not an effective improvement to the current animal cruelty provisions of the Criminal Code, which haven’t been significantly revised since first enacted in 1892. We should be ashamed that our country lags behind the Philippines and other developing countries when it comes to protecting animals from reckless acts of cruelty. Bill S-203 would hardly improve our ranking.

Bill S-203 does not fix the problems in the current legislation which allows so many animal abusers to slip through the cracks, unpunished. Less than 1% of animal abuse complaints in Canada lead to a conviction. While Bill S-203 increases the penalties for crimes against animals, I do not believe this to be very useful if law enforcement officers are unable to prosecute animal abusers in the vast majority of cases.

Bill S-203 retains the same loopholes and archaic language that is in our 1892 legislation:

• It still requires the court to prove that someone 'willfully' intended to neglect an animal making it virtually impossible to get a conviction.

• It does not make it an offence to breed, train or sell animals to fight each other to death so long as the person is not found actually present at the fight. It should be an offence to train, profit from, publicize and promote any animal fighting and be in the possession of fighting equipment.

• It provides less protection for 'unowned' animals (stray, feral and wild animals). It is not an offence to kill, maim, poison or wound 'unowned' animals without a reason or lawful excuse.

• It still distinguishes animals as property and categorizes offences against them as property offences.

If the government is serious about tackling crime to build stronger and safer communities in Canada, it should not ignore the strong relationship between crimes against animals and crimes against people. The government has the opportunity to pass effective legislation that not only addresses animal abuse but can also help stop a cycle of violence in our communities.

I ask you to oppose Bill S-203 and represent the view of the vast majority of Canadians that demand stronger, effective and modern legislation. It has taken more than 100 years to make changes to our animal cruelty law – please make sure the new legislation is worth the wait!



Dear (.......)

I am completely opposed to Bill S-203 and as a voter I feel that it is important that you have my perspective. I am shocked and outraged that on February 14th

2008 the Conservative, Liberal and Bloc members of the Justice committee voted in favour of Bill S-203. In the next few weeks you will have an opportunity vote against S-203 in the House. I urge you to represent me as you constituent and vote against Bill S-203.

Canada's anti-animal cruelty laws are outdated and ineffective. Since 1999 a series of well-debated government sponsored Bills have put forth amendments that would modernize the cruelty section of the Criminal Code of Canada. These previous bills received unprecedented support from all parties in the House.

In 2003, over 70 animal industry groups, law enforcement officials and animal welfare groups all supported these amendments. However, the legislation stalled in the Senate and was lost when an election was called. And then in 2005 a Private Senator's Bill (currently known as S-203) was put forward and is derailing all of this hard work.

Bill S-203 is ineffective and inadequate, maintaining the same outdated language that is in the current legislation, which was written in 1892. S-203 is 115 year old legislation.

The biggest problem with the current legislation is that it is difficult to enforce. In fact less than 1% of animal cruelty complaints lead to successful convictions. Bill S-203 maintains these inadequacies and loop holes which means that animal abusers will continue to get away with their crimes. As if this weren't bad enough, Bill S-203 also continues to leave wild and stray animals virtually unprotected, makes it nearly impossible to punish crimes of neglect and continues to legalize breeding animals to fight each other.

I am requesting that you represent Canadians and oppose animal cruelty by opposing Bill S-203. S-203 ignores the core issues that need to be addressed to effectively protect animals from cruelty.


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Merci pour les modèles de lettre... Je vais m'en occuper dans la soirée

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