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linda lachapelle

action contre le massacre d'un doberman

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Bonjour à toutes et tous

ami(e)s, protectrices, protecteurs des animaux.

Encore une sale histoire ou un gentil doberman y a laissé sa vie alors qu'il
défendait juste sa maison et son jardin.
Un policier lui a vidé son chargeur dessus.
Ce pauvre toutou était en convalescence d'une opération de la colonne
vertébrale et la véto qui l'a soigné certifie que ce malheureux Jax était
dans l'impossibilité de foncer ou de charger comme l'affirme les policiers.
Le fait qu'ils soient policiers ne justifie pas tout.
Reposes en paix Jax, la connerie humaine a encore frappé !!!!!
Merci de prendre deux minutes de votre temps pour envoyer cette lettre en
copier/coller par mail, merci pour vos diffusions.

Merci d'envoyer avec vos coordonnées à :;;;;;;;

Avec copie cachée à :;

New Orleans Police Department, District Attorney, Mayor and City Council:

I am shocked by the actions of the New Orleans Police Department in the
April 14 shooting death of a dog in his fenced backyard. While canvassing a
Lakeview residence after a security alarm accidentally activated, an NOPD
officer fired eight bullets into Jax, a 4-year-old Doberman Pinscher still
wobbly from recent spinal surgery.

A neighbor phoned Dr. Patrick Coleman, who raced home from work to find Jax
crumpled in his backyard. Jax's sister Scarlett trembled nearby as Coleman,
a dermatologist with prior trauma training, tried to plug gaping holes in
Jax's head. As Coleman administered CPR, officers ordered him to "control"
Scarlett. These officers not only failed to assist with life-saving
measures, they actually interrupted resuscitation so Coleman could lock
Scarlett in an upstairs room. Some officers reportedly laughed as Coleman
cradled his bloody dog in a front doorway.

Officers at the scene never interviewed Coleman and swiftly confiscated all
shell casings. Their diverse accounts of the incident fluctuate from
Scarlett lunging to Jax lunging. Veterinarian Rose Lemarie claims the
surgery Jax underwent six weeks prior to his death left him incapable of
lunging or charging.

Please equip New Orleans police officers with the knowledge to neutralize
animals perceived as aggressive -- without resorting to lethal force. I
encourage NOPD to learn skills to distinguish anxiety, fear, and protective
canine behaviors from genuinely hostile behavior.

Jax likely barked or growled as any dog would in reaction to unfamiliar men
on his turf. If officers felt threatened, why were no warning shots,
chemical sprays, batons, or other deterrents tried first?

Furthermore, I call upon Superintendent Reilly to conduct an unbiased
internal investigation. I understand no disciplinary actions -- even
reassignment to administrative duties or suspension from the force -- have
been taken. Clearly, a post-surgical dog known as friendly and docile to
family and neighbors did not legitimately endanger armed men. If evidence
uncovered during an investigation warrants animal cruelty charges, I urge
authorities to arrest and prosecute Jax's killer.

In light of the global outrage over post-Katrina dog shootings in St.
Bernard Parish streets and schools, it is imperative law enforcers recognize
the gravity of animal cruelty crimes and establish a better precedent for
punishing them. ALL offenders, even police officers, must be subject to
criminal investigation and penalties commensurate with their actions.

An ironic footnote to this tragedy is that Coleman had installed an alarm,
in part, to safeguard his companion animals. Instead, a police officer
emptied his handgun's clip into one of them. The shooter's vicious reflex
suggests an utter lack of judgment in volatile situations.

Please inform me of any progress in this very disturbing case.

Thank you,

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