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Enquête sur 1 élevage de poules pondeuses - Californie

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Tout simplement atroce et révoltant !!!!!!!!!!! J'en ai la nausée !!!! MadCrying or Very sadShit

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'Chickens Are Treated Well,' Farmer Responds - 07/04/08

A farmer said "that's how you dispose of chickens" in response Tuesday to allegations animal cruelty was conducted at his Central Valley egg farm. Ernie Gemperle, the patriarch of his family egg business in Hilmar, is upset after a video was released by the animal rights group Mercy for Life showing, among other things, gassing of chickens and a worker kicking a bird with his shoe.

"I believe our chickens are treated very well," Gemperle said. "I'm in the business for 57 years, we have improved conditions for birds every year."



"Factory Farms" Under Attack By Animal Rights Group - 07/04/08

A member of the animal rights group, Mercy for Animals, claims they went under cover for two months and captured some horrific images inside a California egg farm.

They are now using that undercover video to plead their case why there should not be any more “factory farms” being built in Ohio. On Tuesday, they wrote a letter to Governor Ted Strickland asking that he ban additional farms.


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"I believe our chickens are treated very well," Gemperle said. "I'm in the business for 57 years, we have improved conditions for birds every year."

Qu'est-ce que ça devait être avant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mad

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Gemperle accuse Mercy for Animals de manipulation et de coercition.

Bien sûr, les ouvriers auraient été forcés de maltraiter les poules, tout cela aurait mis en scène et, par ailleurs, le film aurait été accéléré pour augmenter l'effet de brutalité Rolling Eyes

Turlock egg company: Activist coerced workers - 13/04/08

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L'industrie du foie gras au Québec a sorti les mêmes arguments ! Rolling Eyes

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