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L'Honorable Byrn veut vendre de la viande de phoque

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Seal to make global menu?
The Nor'wester

It wasn't too long ago when the world's eyes were focused on Newfoundland for its annual seal hunt. Politics and protesting aside, with the current state of world hunger, seals could provide an affordable nutrition supplement.

According to Humber-Ste. Barbe-Baie Verte MP Gerry Byrne, the idea of re-branding the sealing industry isn't anything new, it's just an idea whose time might have come. In a May 6 statement, he called on the federal government to impanel a task force to do just that - and using a sustainable sealing industry could be key to solving the world food shortage.

He said the difference with this current attempt to change the industry are the research and development that has been taking place in Newfoundland and the world food shortage.

"The food crisis has extended well beyond areas that have previously encountered food crises, the food crisis is now hitting southeast Asia," he said. "Seal meat has always been a product which is readily acceptable and is already integrated into dietary patterns, China in particular. Seal meat itself, in a canned product, would not be considered a foreign food substance." Rolling Eyes

For use in diets unused to the oil-rich meat, extracting protein into a powder and creating omega-3 oils could allow its integration into supplements used in Canada's humanitarian efforts. Rolling Eyes


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