hop 0 Posté(e) le 19 juin 2008 The way horses destined for slaughter are being treated on a Saskatchewan farm is shocking and inhumane, the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition said Wednesday as it released more graphic video detailing the slaughterhouse's practices. The coalition held a news conference hosted by prominent Toronto defence lawyer Clayton Ruby to release the video and call on Ottawa to outlaw the slaughtering of horses. (...) Activists release new video of alleged mistreatment of horses on Sask. farm - 18/06/08 http://canadianpress.google.com/article/ALeqM5jENzd2UhT8PEk8FkDF6iip5svBQQ Horse Slaughter Investigation Feb to May 2008 http://www.defendhorsescanada.org/info.php?id=Ihsinv08.inc Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Caro18 0 Posté(e) le 18 juillet 2008 Si vous avez manqué le reportage, le voici: http://www.cbc.ca/national/blog/special_feature/no_country_for_horses/ Vidéos de l'enquête: http://www.defendhorsescanada.org/twy/preshtml.html http://defendhorsescanada.org/info.php?id=20080328 Canadian Horse Defense Coalition's most recent report on horse slaughter at Natural Valley Farms in Neudorf, Sasketchewan is now available. In addition to this landmark report produced by Twyla Francois, you will find video footage, slideshow presentations, national media articles, a radio interview and the link to CBC National's recent coverage of this issue Download the External Report on Investigation on Natural Valley Farms in pdf format http://defendhorsescanada.org/pdf/envf0802.pdf Horse Slaughter Investigation Feb to May 2008 Media Stories following the Investigation Pas un seul du Québec http://www.defendhorsescanada.org/info.php?id=Ihsinv08.inc Les pauvres bêtes attendent dans les parcs avant d'entrer dans l'abattoir Note the absence of food and water. This is illegal according to humane slaughter regulations. The majority of these horses have come from the Colorado, US area meaning at least 25 hours without food and water. In the footage, we noticed an unusual silence with the waiting horses aside from the occasional sneeze or cough. We realized that this was likely in part due to the fact that the horses were not urinating or defecating - they were likely too dehydrated to do so. Un charnier à ciel ouvert à Natural Valley Farms Slideshow enquête There are two slideshows with commentary revealing conditions at the slaughterhouse: Feb 2008 http://www.defendhorsescanada.org/twy/101.html and Apr 2008 http://www.defendhorsescanada.org/twy/201.html Canadian Horse Slaughter 2005-2008 Stats http://www.defendhorsescanada.org/pdf/cdnstats.pdf Ce que vous pouvez faire: http://www.defendhorsescanada.org/info.php?id=doitnow.inc Pétition: http://www.defendhorsescanada.org/sp070403.pdf Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Animal 0 Posté(e) le 18 juillet 2008 C'est effrayant ! Révoltant ! Et depuis la fermeture des abattoirs de chevaux américains, le Canada en a quant à lui construit d'autres, histoire de profiter au maximum de la «manne» Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Caro18 0 Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2008 The horsemeat contract Natural Valley Farms recently signed is with Velda Group, the Belgium-based parent company of the business that owns the troubled Illinois slaughterhouse This is all happening under the radar. Ask most people, and they have no idea that horses are even slaughtered in Canada for meat," said Shelley Grainger, director of the Canadian Horse Defense Coalition's eastern region. Wild horses are rounded up in July in Eureka, Nev. Two of the three remaining horse slaughterhouses in the U.S. shut down this year. The industry is worth $60-million annually in Canada Steven Rei, an American anti-horse-slaughter lobbyist and founder of the National Equine Rescue Coalition, said Natural Valley Farms' decision to begin slaughtering horses this summer is proof that Canada is already benefiting from the shutdown earlier this year of two of the three remaining horse slaughterhouses in the United States. (In 2006, about 88,000 horses in the U.S. were killed and processed into horsemeat.) http://www.netposse.com/slaughter/Canada_Slaughter_Article.pdf Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Caro18 0 Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2008 Pens too large, veterinary prof says A veterinarian who did see the footage said the kill pen being used at Natural Valley was designed for cattle, not horses. Dr. Nicholas Dodman, a professor of veterinary medicine at Tufts University in Medford, Mass., and a founding member of Veterinarians for Equine Welfare, said the pens at the farm are too large. He said the pens allow the horses space to move around and back away from the captive bolt operator responsible for shooting them with a device called a captive bolt pistol, sometimes referred to as a bolt or cattle gun, which is used to stun horses before slaughter. The footage shows the operator is not always able to stun the horses properly to render them fully unconscious before they are slaughtered by slitting of the throat, Dodman said. The footage also showed horses slipping on the kill pen floor, which appeared extremely slippery. "Its legs are spinning around; it's like it's on ice. The legs are just spinning around in circles, it's trying to go backwards, it's trying to go forwards - it's just sheer terror, sheer panic," Dodman said of a horse on the videotape. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/cbc/080610/canada/canada_horses_slaughter Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Caro18 0 Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2008 CANADIAN EQUINE* MEAT EXPORTS, 2007 to June Quantity, and Value, $ Japan 2,492,889 $10,637,632 France 2,344,079 $12,097,347 Switzerland 947,337 $9,247,247 Mexico 904,337 $1,386,200 Italy 370,510 $1,725,454 Czech Republic 96,952 $151,925 Finland 48,354 $90,595 South Africa 23,618 $45,881 United States 18,606 $33,601 Belgium 15,300 $165,586 Swaziland 12,897 $117,204 Jamaica 7,664 $17,504 *includes horse, ass, mule and hinny (horse/donkey cross) http://hooflinks.blogspot.com/2007/09/news.html Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites