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Un chat battu à mort, un autre jeté d'un balcon de 3 étages

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Un salopard! Mad

Un chat battu a mort et un autre lancer d'un balcon de 3 étages

Police search for Ottawa man after one cat beaten to death, second thrown from balcony.

Incident part of disturbing trend of cruelty to animals, humane society says
Geoff Nixon, The Ottawa Citizen
Published: Saturday, July 12, 2008
Police are searching for a man they say broke into a Sandy Hill apartment, threw a cat from a third-floor balcony and beat a second cat to death.

Police allege Richard Holstein, 24, broke into the apartment, where a woman he was once involved with lived, on Wednesday.

An initial report suggested a third cat was involved, but the Ottawa Humane Society confirmed yesterday that only two cats lived in the apartment.

Sharon Miko, director of operations at the humane society, said a long-haired, brown Tabby cat named Marble was beaten to death.

The other cat, a Siamese and Tabby mix named Kitty, was short-haired with white, light brown and gray fur. Kitty is possibly pregnant and has still not been found.

Both cats were about a year old.

"It's shocking," Ms. Miko said, calling the alleged abuses "another example of an extremely disturbing trend in animal cruelty that we've been seeing."

The apartment where the cats were living is in an Ottawa Community Housing building on Wiggins Private.

Directly behind the building is a hill which leads down to a parking lot and adjacent ravine.

The balcony where the cat was allegedly thrown from faces the grass and is some distance from a hard pavement surface and two city garbage bins, which sit next to the building.

In the hallway leading to the third-floor apartment, several crude messages are scrawled on the walls. The messages, all written in dark ink, contain references to sex, crack cocaine and a specific reference to the apartment itself. Another message provides a phone number that can be used to buy "rocks" from a dealer named "Joey."

Neighbours said the apartment was rented by a woman who was previously involved with Mr. Holstein.

Ottawa police Const. J.P. Vincelette confirmed the incident "has to do with a domestic matter," something which would not normally be a public matter. In this case, however, police decided to go public because of the violent nature of the acts.

"We're looking for him because his actions were somewhat irrational," Const. Vincelette said. "That's why we want to find him, to make sure this doesn't go any further."

He said police are "confident in saying that an animal was beaten to death," but would not say what, if any, weapon was used.

Ottawa Community Housing CEO Jo-Anne Poirier said she was "going to be personally involved" in looking into the incident, noting "the safety of our tenants is extremely important."

Mr. Holstein is wanted on a series of criminal counts including theft, being unlawfully in a dwelling and causing unnecessary suffering to animals. For unrelated matters, he is also wanted for breach of probation and breach of recognizance.

He is described as white, approximately six feet tall, weighing about 190 pounds. He has blue eyes, short blond hair and a muscular build.

He has characteristic tattoos on his neck and the back of his hands. His right hand tattoo says "G-Unit," his left-hand tattoo has a "50 Cent" marking. He also has a heart tattooed on his left hand.

Police are asking anyone with information to contact Det. Leanne Smith at 613-236-1222 ext. 5407, or to call Crime Stoppers at 613-233-8477.

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Man wanted in cat killing
Geoff Nixon, The Ottawa Citizen
Published: Friday, July 11, 2008
By Geoff Nixon

Voici le salopard

OTTAWA -- Police are searching for a man who is accused of breaking into an apartment, throwing a cat off of a third-floor balcony and beating a second cat to death.

Police say the attacks took place after Richard Holstein, 24, broke into an apartment in the Sandy Hill area of downtown Ottawa on Wednesday. Neighbours say the incident occurred in the evening.

An initial report suggested a third cat was involved, but the Ottawa Humane Society has confirmed only two cats were in the apartment.
Sharon Miko, director of operations at the Ottawa Humane Society, said the cat which was beaten to death was a long-haired, brown Tabby cat named Marble. The other cat, a Siamese and Tabby mix named Kitty, was short-haired cat and a mix of white, light brown and gray fur.

Both cats were about a year old, Ms. Miko said. The cat that was thrown from the balcony has not been found, she said.
Police said the man is known to the cats' owner.
Mr. Holstein is wanted on a series of criminal counts including theft, being unlawfully in a dwelling and causing unnecessary suffering to animals. In an unrelated matter, he is also wanted for breach of probation and breach of recognizance.

He is described as white, approximately six feet tall, weighing about 190 pounds. He has blue eyes, short blond hair and a muscular build.

He has characteristic tattoos on his neck and the back of his hands. His right hand tattoo says "G-Unit," his left-hand tattoo has a "50 Cent" marking. He also has a heart tattooed on his left hand.

Police are asking anyone with information to contact Det. Leanne Smith at 613-236-1222 ext. 5407, or to call Crime Stoppers at 613-233-8477.

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Le chat qui a été lancé depuis le balcon n'a pas été trouvée Sad

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Madgetyou Faudrait pas que je croise ce %*$()/!"" sur mon chemin briques

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Le lundi 14 juillet 2008

Tueur de chat arrêté

Le Droit

L'homme recherché pour avoir tué un chat et martyrisé un autre a finalement été arrêté par les policiers d'Ottawa, samedi après-midi.

Richard Holstein, 24 ans, fera face à plusieurs chefs d'accusation de cruauté envers les animaux et d'invasion de domicile. "Nous l'avons trouvé à la station South Keys du train léger", a affirmé le sergent Isabel Anderson, du Service de police d'Ottawa. Son arrestation s'est déroulée sans heurt, au contraire des actions posées par l'homme la semaine dernière.

Mercredi dernier, Holstein s'est introduit dans un appartement de la ruelle Wiggins, à Ottawa. Une fois à l'intérieur, il a projeté un chat du balcon, à 10 mètres du sol, et la pauvre bête s'est fracturée une patte. Il aurait aussi tué de ses mains un deuxième chat se trouvant au même endroit.


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Caro a écrit:
Man wanted in cat killing
Geoff Nixon, The Ottawa Citizen
Published: Friday, July 11, 2008
By Geoff Nixon

Voici le salopard

OTTAWA -- Police are searching for a man who is accused of breaking into an apartment, throwing a cat off of a third-floor balcony and beating a second cat to death.

Police say the attacks took place after Richard Holstein, 24, broke into an apartment in the Sandy Hill area of downtown Ottawa on Wednesday. Neighbours say the incident occurred in the evening.

An initial report suggested a third cat was involved, but the Ottawa Humane Society has confirmed only two cats were in the apartment.
Sharon Miko, director of operations at the Ottawa Humane Society, said the cat which was beaten to death was a long-haired, brown Tabby cat named Marble. The other cat, a Siamese and Tabby mix named Kitty, was short-haired cat and a mix of white, light brown and gray fur.

Both cats were about a year old, Ms. Miko said. The cat that was thrown from the balcony has not been found, she said.
Police said the man is known to the cats' owner.
Mr. Holstein is wanted on a series of criminal counts including theft, being unlawfully in a dwelling and causing unnecessary suffering to animals. In an unrelated matter, he is also wanted for breach of probation and breach of recognizance.

He is described as white, approximately six feet tall, weighing about 190 pounds. He has blue eyes, short blond hair and a muscular build.

He has characteristic tattoos on his neck and the back of his hands. His right hand tattoo says "G-Unit," his left-hand tattoo has a "50 Cent" marking. He also has a heart tattooed on his left hand.

Police are asking anyone with information to contact Det. Leanne Smith at 613-236-1222 ext. 5407, or to call Crime Stoppers at 613-233-8477.
moi j,aurais envie de lui crever les deux yeux à ce maudit malade...

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