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En Californie, les défenseurs pour les droits des animaux et les activistes végétariens pourraient obtenir la permission d'entrer, de documenter et même d'arrêter des producteurs de poules, de veaux, de truies, suspectés de contrevenir aux lois sur le bien-être animal. Cette loi pourrait entrer en vigueur dès 2015 Mr. Green

laughat Crazy US laws could give PETA right of farm entry

21/07/2008 9:35:00 AM

Animal rights and vegetarian activists could have the authority to enter and search California farm buildings and arrest producers for suspected violations of animal welfare laws if California voters approve a ballot initiative in coming months.

This is the conclusion of attorneys who are analyzing the legal consequences of the initiative for agricultural and food interests in California, whose "Californians for SAFE Food" coalition is organised to educate Californians on the initiative and urge them to vote no on the measure.

The determination makes it exceedingly important for producers and production companies, trade associations and allied industry across the US to become involved in the "SAFE Food" coalition, its supporters said.

The initiative - which has been designated "Proposition 2," or "Prop 2" - is directed at the treatment of farm animals and, if passed, would require that farm animals not be confined or tethered in a manner that prevents an animal from lying down, standing up, turning around and fully extending its limbs.

For a hen in an egg production system, fully extending its limbs means extending its wings without touching the side of an enclosure, such as a cage, or another hen, according to the initiative.

The initiative is directed at cage housing systems for hens and sow and veal calf stalls, but recent studies found that even most barn, or cage-free, housing systems for hens would be prohibited under the requirement.
The law would become effective on 1 January 2015, and would carry penalties for violations of a fine not to exceed $1,000 and/or a jail term not to exceed 180 days. Legal observers have said violations could cover each animal.


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Je doute que le lobby des producteurs laisse passer cette loi! scratch
Mais si jamais ça arrive tant mieux! cheers

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