Caro18 0 Posté(e) le 6 août 2008 WORLD ANIMAL DAY 14 Hewlett Road, Cheltenham, WORLD ANIMAL DAY – 4th OCTOBER 2008 – GET INVOLVED? Show the animals you care and be part of something special. Help make World Animal Day 2008 the Biggest and Best Yet! Dear Animal Friends in Canada A few weeks ago I wrote encouraging you to get involved in celebrating World Animal Day this year. As a result of that letter, we've registered two World Animal Day events in the online Events Diary. In addition, we also welcome a World Animal Day Ambassador for Canada. Jane Bowers, President of the Renaissance Animal Rescue Society in BC. Jane kindly contacted us offering her services and we know she will be working hard to raise awareness of World Animal Day and encourage greater participation within Canada. There are plenty of fundraising / educational ideas on that don't take much organising and others that will require a bit more time and effort. However, if you enlist plenty of help the sky’s the limit! It might be that you already have an event planned that could become your World Animal Day celebration. The website features an online ‘Events Diary’ to provide free publicity to any group or individual who is doing something special connected with animals on or around 4 October (World Animal Day events must take place with 2 weeks either side of 4 October). As plans progress during the lead up to World Animal Day, your entry can be updated simply by sending me an email. Organisations that get involved will also be added to the website list of ‘Participants’. Please take a look at the Roundup of some of the World Animal Events that took place in 2007, you'll be inspired! Click on the link at the end of this paragraph which will take you to the World Events Overview page and from here you can click on links to Africa, Asia, Australia & NZ, Europe, South America, UK and USA. At the bottom of each of these pages you will find a link to an additional image gallery. From the overview page you can also click on a link that will allow you to view all the events listed with World Animal Day in 2007, and in previous years. As you will be aware, the aim of the World Animal Day website is to encourage everybody interested in animals to use this special day to express their love and concern for all creatures by doing something special in celebration of our relationship with the animal kingdom. I'm sure you will agree that building the World Animal Day initiative is a wonderful way to heighten public awareness of animal issues and unite the animal welfare movement. It’s something that everyone can join in with whether they are part of an organisation, group, or as an individual I would like to highlight the fact that World Animal Day is not linked to any one individual, organisation or campaign, but belongs to everyone. The official World Animal day website was created and is sponsored by Naturewatch in the UK but the organisation does not benefit from this in any way, shape or form. After your event has taken place we'd like to give you some extra publicity. All you need to do is send me a short report about it with photographs and we will show the world what you have achieved in the roundup of World Animal Day events. I look forward to hearing from you very soon and sincerely hope you decide to get involved this year. Please copy Jane Bowers into the emails you send me so she is aware of your plans. Jane's email address is Please help us spread the word about World Animal Day by including information in a newsletter and/or by creating a website link. Full instructions for a number of different styles of weblink are available in the ‘Resources’ section of the website where you will also find the World Animal Day logo in various formats. Kind regards Caroline Barker Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites