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Une autre Pub de Peta qui ne passera pas au Canada

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PETA utilise la tragédie de Portage La Prairie dans une campagne
Il y a 18 heures MadMad

Thumb downpuker Canada

TORONTO — L'organisme de défense des droits des animaux PETA a tenté, sans succès, de faire publier une annonce publicitaire comparant la tragédie survenue à bord d'un autobus de la compagnie Greyhound au sort qui attend les animaux envoyés à l'abattoir.

Le quotidien Portage La Prairie Daily Graphic - qui est publié près de l'endroit où Vince Weiguang Li est accusé d'avoir poignardé et décapité Tim McLean - a refusé de publier cette annonce dans laquelle on peut notamment lire "personne ne se préoccupe de ses gestes désespérés et de ses cris... l'homme au couteau ne témoigne d'aucune émotion... la victime est massacrée et sa tête tranchée... sa chair est mangée".

L'annonce demande ensuite aux lecteurs d'imaginer ce que peuvent ressentir des animaux "sensibles" quand ils voient, sentent et entendent l'abattoir vers lequel ils se dirigent.

Une porte-parole de PETA a indiqué par voie de communiqué que l'annonce avait pour but d'inciter le public à réfléchir à la terreur ressentie par les animaux qui sont tués pour leur viande.

Lindsay Rajt explique que comme les humains, les animaux sont "terrorisés dans ils sont attaqués par un agresseur armé d'un couteau".

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On fait dur pis pas à peu près! Mad

Canada: PETA compare la décapitation dans un car à l'abattage d'animaux
MONTRÉAL - L'association de défense des animaux PETA a tenté en vain de diffuser jeudi au Canada une publicité comparant la décapitation d'un passager dans un autocar à l'abattage de bêtes à des fins alimentaires, une initiative qui a suscité l'indignation.

"Manitoba: la gorge d'un jeune homme innocent a été tranchée, il crie et se débat sans que personne ne réagisse, l'homme au couteau ne montre aucune émotion, la victime est poignardée, décapitée et sa chair mangée. Et cela se poursuit encore", martèle en caractère noir sur fond blanc la publicité de PETA.

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Voici la Pub de Peta

Cannibalistic Attack on Greyhound Bus Prompts Ad

As though it were a gruesome scene in a horror movie, a Canadian Greyhound passenger found himself in the hands of a highly disturbed man this past weekend while en route from Edmonton to Winnipeg. Passengers riding the bus reported that Vince Weiguang Li jumped on top of 22-year-old Tim McLean and began stabbing him repeatedly before cutting off his head and allegedly consuming some of his flesh. Parts of McLean's ear, nose, and mouth were found in Li's pocket.

This tragic incident will certainly leave scars on the minds of the other passengers and the victim's family and friends. While it isn't every day that a human is violently attacked and eaten by another human, it's worth noting that it is the norm for many people not to give any thought to the fact that restaurants are serving flesh that comes from innocents who were minding their own business before someone came after them with a knife. How amazingly and conveniently compartmentalized the human mind is…

To stress this very point, PETA will be running an ad in the Portage Daily Graphic comparing the similarities between this gruesome bus butchering and the acts of cruelty and killing performed every day by the meat industry.

The horror that cows, chickens, and pigs face on factory farms goes on for a long time too. Chickens are violently tossed into cages with dozens of other birds and forced to live amid their own waste. Baby pigs have their testicles ripped out without any painkillers. And male calves are starved and chained inside tiny stalls until their flesh becomes soft and milky white before being slaughtered for someone's veal dinner.

PETA is running the ad to make people rethink the proposition that it is, rightly so, a criminal act to kill and eat our own kind but that it's "OK" to kill every other species but our own and eat them.

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We Got Your Hate Mail ...

Yesterday, we mentioned an advertisement that we wanted to run in a Canadian newspaper in the wake of a shocking stabbing murder and possible cannibalism in Manitoba. Countless people have contacted us with their concerns, so we'd like to explain why we wanted to run the ad that no newspaper will touch with a 10' pole.

Yes, of course we were horrified (who wouldn't be?) when we heard the details of this barbaric, incomprehensible killing. And obviously, everyone's good thoughts go out to anyone affected by this violent act. That's all a no-brainer. Now, remember, PETA is known for being provocative — that's our job. The animals don't benefit from our silence. So our thought is always: How can we get people to see that despite their feelings about this kind of violence, they are often paying someone to do exactly what was done to the man on the bus, and worse, just so that they can eat a sandwich? Voila, the ad!

We see parallels between acts of violence against humans and cruelty to animals, since both spring from a common root. We understand that such comparisons may be uncomfortable for many people, but they're not inaccurate.

Responding to violence with anger is also natural, but just being angry solves nothing, does it? Real change comes about when we channel anger or sadness into action. By juxtaposing the shocking details of the murder with the fate of animals whose bodies are casually hacked apart to end up between two slices of bread, some good will come. Already, thousands of people have visited our site not just to scream at us but also to read about slaughterhouses, and many have watched "Meat Your Meat." If you can sit through that and not see the truth in what we are saying, what can we say?

Like humans, animals are made of flesh, blood, and bone. Animals in slaughterhouses experience terror in the face of death. They fight for their lives and struggle to avoid pain. Birds love and grieve. In light of animals' suffering, we are urging people to embrace nonviolence in the face of senseless violence—against all beings—by going vegetarian. If someone doesn't like it, maybe it is because it makes them feel guilty for just saying, "Oh, how terrible," about the bus violence but not wanting to face the fact that they contribute to violence as well. To think otherwise is simply supremacist.

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c'est un peu semblable à l'«indignation» qu'avaient suscités les commentaires de Watson...

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Un autre monsieur indigné:

7 Août 2008

Monsieur Cannibale
PETA, le regroupement de crackpots qui ne reculent devant rien pour défendre les droits des animaux, a voulu publié une pub faisant un lien entre le fou qui a décapité et mangé un passager dans un autobus au Manitoba... et les gens qui bouffent de la viande!!!

Pour eux, les carnivores sont des cannibales.

Manger une poule, c'est comme poignarder un homme et le décapiter.

Ce n'est pas la première fois que PETA fait ce genre de parallèle. L'organisme a déjà fait un lien entre les animaux gazés et l'Holocauste, puis entre les animaux de compagnie et les esclaves noirs...

Assez douteux, merci...

(Merci à Stéphane LeBlanc)

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