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Une femme brûle son chien sur son poêle de cuisine...

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19 octobre 2008- LAKEWOOD, Colo. (CBS4) ―
Lakewood police are holding a dog owner on arson and felony animal cruelty charges after they say she set her pet on fire.

The incident happened at the Alpine Vista apartments in Lakewood, where Tanya Martin, 38, lives alone.

The dog was taken to the Wheat Ridge Animal Hospital for emergency treatment. The chief veterinarian said the Yorkshire terrier will probably survive, but it's one of the worst cases of animal cruelty they have seen.

"My understanding is that he was barely conscious and barely breathing," Dr. Elisa Mazzaferro with Wheat Ridge Veterinary Specialists said. "The firefighters did a great job of resuscitating him with mass oxygen."

Lakewood police described the bizarre scene when they arrived at the dog owner's apartment.

"There was on top of the stove a phone book which was on fire. The stove was ignited, the poodle mix was placed on top of the phone book and it was hog-tied, so it was unable to move itself," Sheridan Foster with Lakewood police said.

By the time the dog was rescued, he had been burned so badly his paws and nose were coming off.

"His condition was very critical, not only because of second and third degree burns over 50 percent of his body, but also because he was in a tremendous amount of pain," Mazzaferro said.


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Une femme de 38 ans (Tanya Martin) de Lakewood a fait subir d'atroces souffrances à son petit chien Yorkshire nommé BOBO âgé de 6 ans.

Les pompiers ont été appelés sur les lieux d'un incendie provoqué par un acte de cruauté volontaire envers un petit chien. C'est une voisine qui a alerté les pompiers quand elle a vu de la fumée sortir de l'appartement.

Voici l'image de la cuisinière après le passage des pompiers qui sont intervenus.

À l'arrivée sur les lieux, les pompiers on comprit la raison du feu, un petit chien était attaché sur une cuisinière, la femme avait placé un bottin de téléphone sur un rond allumé pour alimenter une braise et elle y avait attaché le chien pour le faire cramer vivant.

Le chien va peut-être survive si les plaies ne s'infectent pas trop, ses blessures sont très graves, il a des brûlures sur 50 % de son petit corps.

Voici la vidéo du reportage Sad

The dog was burned from the neck down, primarily on his underside and all four of his feet. The skin on his chin and his tongue also were severely burned.

Au Colorado le chien pourrait être remis à la famille proche de cette folle ? c'est la loi, si la famille refuse, il sera placé en adoption, espérons que la famille refuse, car cette folle pourrait encore avoir des contacts avec ce pauvre petit souffre-douleur!

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Bobo, le petit chien martyr est mort !

23 octobre 2008-

Update - Burned Yorkie, Bobo, Dies from Injuries

It is with sadness and a heavy heart that I update the story of the little burned Yorkie, Bobo. The poor little dog died today at about 1:30 am at Wheat Ridge Animal Hospital, where he was being treated for burns over 50 percent of his body.

Elisa Mazzaferro, the veterinarian whose team had been working so hard to save Bobo’s life said that he died from ‘organ failure.’

The shock of the burns apparently did damage to his kidneys, pancreas and other internal organs, veterinarian Elisa Mazzaferro said this morning.

“He suffered cardio-pulmonary arrest. He didn’t suffer, he was comfortable.”

Although burned greivously over 50% of his tiny body, Dr. Mazzaferro said that Bobo was kept comfortable and out of pain with medication through his treatment. Some animal lovers had raised concerns that the hospital should euthanize Bobo to save him from the pain but Mazzaferro assured everyone that if his condition worsened to a point that the most humane thing to do was euthanasia, they would take that step.

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