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Innu caribou hunt endangers herd, ministers say

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les baleines ne sont pas en danger, les ours polaires ne sont pas en danger, les phoques ne sont pas en danger, les caribous des bois ne sont pas en danger, les chevaux sauvages ne sont pas en danger, les loups non plus.... etc. etc. etc., Bref, bientôt il ne restera plus d'animaux, incluant l'être le plus nuisible de la planète=l'humain. Le problème sera alors résolu ! MadMadShit


The Newfoundland and Labrador government is challenging the Innu
Nation's claim that a hunt this week will have no impact on an
endangered caribou herd.

Innu hunters headed Thursday into an area east of Churchill Falls to
kill caribou. Hunting is restricted in the zone to protect the Red
Wine caribou herd, which is estimated to have just 85 animals in it.

The Innu Nation insists the Red Wine caribou are not in the area,
while Environment and Conservation Minister Charlene Johnson said they

"We know that the Red Wine herd are intermingling with the George
River herd," Johnson said Thursday.

Natural Resources Minister Kathy Dunderdale, meanwhile, said
conservation officers were monitoring Thursday's hunt.

"We're watching it very carefully," she said, adding that the Innu
Nation hunt had created "a very volatile situation."

"These 85 animals are mixed in the general herd and, unless you
identify them by collar, there's no [real] way of distinguishing the
two animals," Dunderdale said.

"But I'm not prepared to put my conservation officers in a situation
where their life might be at risk or they're in some danger in this

Peter Penashue, deputy grand chief of the Innu Nation, disputes that
the animals are hard to distinguish. He said data from radio collars
show the Red Wine herd is separated from other caribou.

"We're making a point that this zone is not required for the
health ... of the Red Wine [herd]," he said.\

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