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Journée Int. contre la chasse au phoque/UN SUCCÈS!!!

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Mar 16, 2009 12:01 ET International Day of Action Against the Commercial Seal Hunt: Success Abroad, Success in Canada

OTTAWA, CANADA--(Marketwire - March 16, 2009) - Thousands of Canadians came out across the country to support an end to the commercial seal hunt this weekend. From coast to coast, close to twenty conservation and animal welfare groups organized events to correspond with the International Day of Action Against the Commercial Seal Hunt being held in various cities worldwide.

In Toronto, over five hundred people showed up to be entertained by the Harper Seals Band while learning about what they can do to pressure the federal government to end the commercial seal hunt.

"We were delighted with the turnout at Saturday's event - one of the best we have ever seen. We know that the majority of people in Toronto oppose the commercial seal hunt and it was fantastic to see lots of new faces at the event today. This will certainly help to show our politicians that more and more voters are taking notice of this issue and our voices must be heard. For too long, our opinions have fallen on deaf ears," said Juli Kaiss, a local activist (and member of the Harper Seals band).

At the rally in Ottawa on Sunday, Senator Mac Harb spoke to a crowd of over a hundred supporters before marching to Parliament and then onto the EU embassy. In the short time since introducing S-229 in the Senate, Senator Harb has been sent over thirty thousands letters, emails and postcards of support from Canadians across the country.

"We were so happy to see so many people out at our event. Having Senator Harb speak was also fantastic for us all. It feels like this campaign has gained momentum and we are getting more and more Canadians supporting us and voicing their opposition. It is time for the commercial seal hunt to end," said Susan Stinson-Manns, event organizer and local activist.

"The Government of Canada needs to listen to Canadians on this issue," said Sheryl Fink, IFAW researcher, "and the majority of Canadians want the federal government to stop wasting their tax dollars on support for commercial sealing. This is the 21st century. Surely we can do better when it comes to job creation."

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J'aurais aimée que notre petite gang assiste à cette manifestation Mr. Green ça aurait été super, je trouve.

On a quand même fait du bon boulot, à Montréal.

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animo a écrit:
Oui, on en a réveillé une couple et 2 passants m'ont dit qu'ils écriraient au ministre.

Oui, il y avait du monde très gentils que j'ai rencontrés thumleft pas beaucoup, mais ça en valait la peine ^^

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Encore cette année, le Collectivo Andaluz en Contra el Maltrato Animal a manifesté pour dénoncer la tuerie des phoques devant le Consulat du Canada à Malaga.

Par cette représentation ils espèrent inciter les autorités européennes à rendre effective l'ordonnance parlementaire qui interdisent aux pays européens d'importer tout produit prevenant de cette cruelle tuerie

Vidéo de la manif thumleft

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Animal Save Movement Pakistan celebrated International SEAL Day on 18th March, 2009

Animals friends, school children, social workers, lawyers and political workers participated.

All participants took an oath to protect the welfare of SEALS and all other animals and to continue peaceful campaigns against cruelty.

ASMP took an oath also that we continue to strive for the day when no animals will live in fear or pain.

ASMP has been working for animals for a long time already and will continue all efforts to reach its vision to help building a prosperous society through animal welfare, where co-existence of human and animal is symbiotic.

President , Animal Save Movement Pakistan
H # 1094/2 Hussain Agahi Multan 60000, Pakistan
cell # 00923007368557

sce :

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