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Chasse au phoque/Manif Vancouver

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NewsMarch 16, 2009

Protesters say East Coast seal hunt must stop now

They want Europe to ban seal imports to bring end to industry

By Krista Charke, The Daily NewsMarch 16, 2009

Dozens of animal rights activists turned out to protest against the East Coast seal hunt at Nanaimo's Diana Krall Plaza on Saturday.

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans employs several thousand hunters in the spring to kill the newly born seals for their fur. Activists have been critical of the hunt for years and say it is inhumane, unnecessary and an embarrassment to Canadians. The numbers of protesters in Nanaimo has slowly grown over the years. This year's organizer, David Stanley, jumped onboard two years ago when he read about the annual March protest in the Daily News.

"It is just the hypocrisy of it that gets me. Canada goes around criticizing other countries for things they do when we're doing this at home. As long as (the seal hunt) continues, Canada is not standing on any moral ground," said Stanley.

Two younger faces in the crowd, those of Fianna Morrisseau, 8, and her older brother Galil, are horrified by the idea of people killing seals just for fashion.

"I just think it's cruel that their killing them just for their fur and everything else goes to waste. I just want to try help save the little guys. I respect nature and I don't think it's right that they kill these harmless animals," said Galil while holding his white, stuffed toy seal.

Targeting the fashion industry is definitely the way to go, says animal rights activist Marley Daviduk.

If animal rights groups continue to lobby for bans on Canadian seal products in Europe, Daviduk is confident they will eventually succeed in shutting the whole industry down.

"Europe is the leader in the fashion industry and if they ban seal products, other countries like China will likely follow," said Daviduk, of the Nanaimo-based Vancouver Island Animal Defence League.

But until then, she said she hopes Canadians will take a stand against the government and let them know the killing has to stop.

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