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Bannir l'élevage des visons pour la fourrure aux Pays-Bas

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Press release from Bont voor Dieren.

Amsterdam/The Hague, June 30th 2009 – A majority in Dutch Parliament today voted for a ban on the production of mink fur on ethical grounds. The ban, to come in effect in 2018, has to take one last hurdle: to be approved by the Dutch Senate. Bont voor Dieren (Fur for Animals) has campaigned and lobbied for years to put an end to fur farming in The Netherlands, the world’s third biggest producer of mink.

The bill was proposed by the socialist and social-democratic party. Bont voor Dieren is very pleased the ban on fur farming is based on ethical grounds. The bill argues that there's no justification to kill animals and affect their welfare only to make a non-essential product. There will be a phase out period of ten years to compensate the fur farmers. If the ban indeed will come into effect, is now up to the Dutch Senate. It is expected that the Senators will take a decision before the end of this year.

Bont voor Dieren has run a years long campaign integrating scientific research, public actions, opinion polls, petitions, undercover investigation, multimedia en cultural events, radio and television campaigns and a strong political lobby. Bont voor Dieren's campaign was supported by many celebrities, the Dierenbescherming (the Dutch RSPCA) and WSPA. The organisation is now preparing a lobby for the Senate.

Mink are confined in small wire cages, measuring 30 by 85 by 45 centimeters and devoid of any swimming water. Without being able to develop their natural behavior, mink display apathy and stereotypical behavior, clear signs of severe animal welfare problems. After seven months they are gassed and skinned: a short, miserable life for the non-essential luxury of a mink coat. In the wild, mink are solitary predators, excellent swimmers and divers, and live in a territory of several square kilometers.

C'est super !!! Le seul problème, c'est que beaucoup d'animaux souffriront d'ici 2018 !... Rolling Eyespale

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Le seul problème, c'est que beaucoup d'animaux souffriront d'ici 2018 !...

Oui. Lorsqu'on admet qu'une pratique ne se justifie pas, et que cette pratique cause des souffrances et d'innombrables morts
"The bill argues that there's no justification to kill animals and affect their welfare only to make a non-essential product."
logiquement, on devrait mettre un terme à cette pratique sur le champ !

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