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Chevreuil fléché par un braconnier a dû être euthanasié

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Colombie-Britannique (Canada)

Central Saanich police are asking for the public's help to locate the driver of a truck seen in the vicinity of a wounded deer.

On July 26 at 11 p.m., a caller alerted police to a deer in distress near the intersection of West Saanich and Mount Newton Cross roads. The caller had seen a black Dodge Ram 3500 pulled over to the side of the road near three bucks in a field. One of the bucks appeared to be in distress.

When police arrived, they found the deer trying to escape on its front legs. Its back legs were paralyzed and a camouflage-colour "Terminator" brand arrow was lodged in its spine. Police euthanized the deer

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