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L'élevage pour la fourrure banni en Irlande

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Le parti vert a voté en faveur d'un nouveau programme gouvernemental qui consiste à bannir les fermes d'élevage pour la fourrure d'ici 3 ans. Dorénavant, les groupes contre cette pratique mettront l'emphase afin de bannir l'importation de la fourrure en Irlande.

Saturday 10th October marked an historical victory for anti-fur campaigners across Ireland. Green Party members voted in favour for a new programme for government, which will see fur farming banned in Ireland within 3years.

"Our greatest goal for our fur farm campaign was to get fur farming banned - we are absolutely thrilled that this dream has now become a reality" says spokesperson for CAFT Ireland, Laura Broxson

"We have lobbied for this for so many years. Campaigning week-in, week-out - from leafleting outside government buildings, to fur farm protests, there is nothing we haven't done in the fight to get this barbaric industry abolished" she said

"There are fur farms that have been operating here for over 30 years, it is disgraceful that they weren't banned years ago - but we are glad that the Green's finally came through, for this issue at least, in the end. There is a lot more that needs to be done in terms of animal rights though, we would consider this to be just the first step"

"For the thousands of mink that will be killed over the next 3 years, a phase-out ban simply isn't good enough, which is why we will continue protesting the fur farms until the day they close"

"Then we can turn our attention to banning the importation of fur in Ireland. The campaign will not end until we make this country completely fur-free" she added

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