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Jeune chasseur secouru au Nunavut

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Aux nouvelles de ce matin, on disait que l'ourse qu'il a abattue était accompagnée de ses oursons....

Mis à jour le: 9 novembre 2009

Nunavut - Libéré de la banquise

Un adolescent de 17 qui était coincé sur une banquise a été secouru au bout de 24 heures. Pour survivre, il a dû lutter contre l'hypothermie et abattre un ours polaire avec son fusil.

Au Nunavut, un adolescent qui était coincé sur une banquise a finalement été sauvé après avoir été séparé de son oncle pendant 24 heures.
Le jeune homme a réussi à survivre en luttant contre l'hypothermie et en abattant un ours polaire avec son fusil.

Il était parti à la chasse, en motoneige, avec son oncle de 67 ans, qui a réussi à revenir à pied vers le continent.
... avec Presse canadienne

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l'ourse polaire que ce chasseur a abattue était bel et bien accompagnée de ses deux oursons...

When is it legal to kill a polar bear?

Quand est-ce légal de tuer un ours polaire?

Northern communities are granted a set number of "tags" each season to harvest the bears.

"Every community has a quota ... (The number) depends on the (bear) population in that area. Every bear that dies at the hands of a man, whether it's a defence kill or an accidental shooting, whatever, has a tag put on it. They lose one of their tags. The community gets that bear; they can eat it. But the shooter doesn't get the bear," Williams said.

"The community gets the bear, but you get to live."

Under the terms of the annual hunt, every community must kill two males for each female. If a community skews that limit, or goes over it, whatever the reason, a tag is removed from the next season's hunt.

It is not legal to kill a female with cubs on a hunt. Angootealuk's self-defence killing of a mother bear is permissible under the protection of life clause, but it may cost his community up to three tags.

"They're going to go out and get that (slain adult) bear, skin it and eat it," Williams said.

If the local wildlife officer can reach the cubs on the ice floe, he will travel out by boat and kill them. He may also delegate that duty to local hunters. The meat and fur from the cubs is especially prized.

"I haven't seen the size of (her surviving) cubs, but if the cubs are under 2 years old, they each get a tag put on them ... if they're this year's cub, they lose a half-a-tag each."

The reduced tag cost reflects the likelihood that very young cubs may die naturally in any case.

In a case like this, no effort is made to save the cubs, regardless of age.

"There's no shortage of bears," said Williams.

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