hop 0 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2010 63% des canadiens seraient favorables à l'interdiction des cages de batterie bien que 58% se déclarent opposés à l'usage des cages de batterie, 17% pour, 24% sans opinion. Citation :Despite learning about the treatment of hens in battery cages, 81% of Canadians believe in general, farmers take good care of their animals, and almost two-thirds (62%) believe farm animals are treated humanely in the process of producing food and other agricultural products. 63 percent of Canadians support banning battery cages for egg-laying chickens, poll shows - 28/12/09http://www.straight.com/article-277486/vancouver/63-percent-canadians-support-banning-battery-cages-egglaying-chickens-poll-showsLes résultats en détail http://www.straight.com/files/pdf/NationalPollResultsExecSummDec09.pdf Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites