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Pour appuyer la Sea Shepherd/ à Ottawa 13 janvier 2010

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À tous les supporteurs de la Sea Shepherd: rencontre à Ottawa, devant l'Ambassade du Japon, le 13 janvier, à 2:30 P.M.

Date: January 13, 2010
Time: 2:30pm - 4:30pm
Location: Japanese Embassy
Street: 255 Sussex Dr
City/Town: Ottawa, ON

For more info about the demo, contact

This is a last minute appeal to all animal activists and Sea Shepherd
supporters in the Ottawa area to come out and confront the Government of
Japan and ambassador Nishida Keiko, letting them know that the world has
watched them attempt to murder the crew of the Ady Gill..

With the Crew safely on board the new ship Bob Barker, the Sea Shepherd
Society will continue to chase down these thugs who are illegally killing
one of the oceans most beautiful wonders, the whales.

Please join us in support of these truly amazing activists who
single-handedly are taking on this evil Japanese fleet Who's sole purpose is
to kill these magnificent animals for profit.

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