Animal 0 Posté(e) le 14 janvier 2010 Regardez un peu qui s'est dépêché de venir afficher un commentaire... Le seul, suite à cet article «Good article on various furs, including the common sheep sheepskin boots which EVERYONE wears: » Je suis découragée devant l'ampleur qu'a pris et que continue de prendre la promotion des fourrures, phoques inclus ! J'ai l'impression que les lobbies de la fourrure n'ont jamais été aussi forts -----------------------------------Cold weather and growing sales mock death of furEva LamppuHELSINKITue Jan 12,2010 12:13pm ESTHELSINKI (Reuters) - In a warehouse outside of Helsinki hundreds of buyersgathered to bid in a three-day auction of mink, fox and other furs just beforeChristmas.ODDLY ENOUGHAny worries about the ailing global economy, the threat ofglobal warming, or the fading popularity of fur as fashion were firmly leftoutside to chill in the snow.Bidding was brisk, and by the end of the auctionall pelts were sold, compared to sales of only 30 percent of stock last year.Organizers said sales roughly tripled to 39.5 million euros ($57.3 million)against last year, with prices up -- by a third on average -- since an auctionin September."Demand and supply are in a good balance, and there is maybe slightoverdemand, which supports price levels," said Chief Executive Pertti Falleniusof Turkistuottajat, which says it is the world's only publicly listed furauctioneer.While the fur market looks to be challenging in the coming years,weighed by a variety of factors including increasing social pressure against itsuse, the auction clearly showed that any talk of fur's death is greatlyexaggerated.And the industry has certainly got a boost from the recent cold snapthat has dumped snow on many countries across the Northern hemisphere.CHINABOOST, BUT STEADY DECLINEFallenius said one reason behind the recent uptick inthe market has been a cut in output from China, which since early 2000 hadsharply hiked fur production, pressing prices.He said China in the past twoyears has halved its annual mink production, while fox is down by threequarters. The country is the world's second-largest fur producer afterEurope."Cheap labor costs won't get you far in this business. The internationaltextile trade has ... been less and less willing to accept fur skins produced inChina," Fallenius said.Denmark is the world's top supplier of mink pelts, whileFinland has some 1,300 fur farms, and last year Europe produced some 32 millionmink and fox pelts.But while recent demand has been strong, helped by marketslike China where fur is less taboo and more of a novelty, global output peakedin 2007 and has fallen the last two years.The European Fur Breeders' Associationsaid 2009 fox and mink production globally was some 50 million pelts, down fromthe high of 65 million in 2007.After Austria banned fur farming more than adecade ago, the much-debated trade has been entirely or partly phased out incountries like Britain, Holland and Denmark as stricter regulations come intoforce in the European Union."Fur right now ... doesn't make the top-10 list ofanybody's fashion needs," says Milton Pedraza, head of New York consultancy TheLuxury Institute."It's not that consumers, particularly women, don't like fur --they do. But they see the social pressure that continues to exist againstconsuming fur. It's high-end, so they love it, but on the other hand they can dowithout it. The pain outweighs the pleasure right now of wearing fur," Pedrazasaid.Pedraza said the global economic slowdown would also hurt the industry."Idon't think fur will ever go away for sleeves and colors and some decoration,but a full mink coat?," he said, noting young people were not likely to "flock"to fur -- not even vintage -- anytime soon.Harald Ullmann, spokesman of theGerman branch of animal rights group PETA, said that in the next 10-15 years furwould likely disappear from the streets."Even if people say fur is back -- andthat's what the industry wants us to believe -- I don't think this is really thecase," Ullmann said."Fur has nothing to do with luxury products. It is a productfrom the stone age and it belongs in the history books and not on somebody'sback," he said.CHILL DOES THE TRICKBut for now, fur still sells.In a largemirror at a Helsinki store, Finnish shoppers and Russians -- known for theirlasting love of fur -- measure the fit, weight and length of smooth capes, someof which sold for 38,000 euros apiece -- but with a 50 percent seasonaldiscount."The cold weather is doing its work," said Sari Ihatsu, shop head ofAjatar.And Turkistuottajat's Fallenius said the industry was working on moreversatile ways to use fur outside the winter season."The mink coat is a classic,elegant winter piece, and will remain as such, but it is not the only product,"he said."With various techniques, we can now manufacture very light and coolerqualities and products, like sweaters, suitable even for summerevenings."(Reporting by Eva Lamppu, editing by Paul Casciato)[Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites