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Cruauté animale /Seulement 700$ d'amende !

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En 2008, plus de 200 animaux (chevaux, reptiles, lamas, oiseaux exotiques, chèvres, chiens, loups, chats, sanglier, lynx), de même qu'un coati mundi, enfermé à l'intérieur d'une caisse et qui s'était rongé les pattes... , avaient été découverts vivants dans des conditions effroyables, sans eau,... piétinant dans leurs excréments sur une propriété à Dawson Creek, C.B. Le couple maudit n'a reçu qu'une amende de 700$

Dawson Creek couple receives $700 fine for animal cruelty
SPCA calls for tougher regulations; help with investigation costs

By Wendy Stueck, Vancouver, B.C. - From Tuesday's Globe and Mail, Jan. 19, 2010
3:20AM EST

It gets cold in Dawson Creek, especially for a coatimundi.

One such creature - a raccoon-like mammal native to Central and South America -
was among more than 200 animals discovered in crowded, filthy conditions on a
Dawson Creek property in 2008.

The coatimundi and 87 other animals seized as a result of a BC SPCA
investigation are now in new homes. And last week, their former owners pleaded
guilty to charges of animal cruelty, receiving a $700 fine, two years' probation
and instructions to work with the SPCA to reduce the number of animals in the
couple's care.

Although pleased that the case went to court, the SPCA says the fine does not
reflect the scope of the case or the SPCA's cost to pursue it.

"We would have loved to have seen a restitution order," Marcie Moriarty, general
manager of cruelty investigations for the BC SPCA, said Monday, adding that the
agency does not receive government funds to conduct animal cruelty

Veterinary, transportation and other costs related to the Dawson Creek case
amount to at least $40,000, Ms. Moriarty said.

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Imaginez un peu, ceci ce passe en Colombie-Britannique et nos loi de protection des animaux au Quebec sont plus faibles que les leurs. Rolling Eyes

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