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An Ethiopian vegan shares his story

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Le 1er déclic il le doit à Nikita, un chien qu'est entré dans sa vie

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He taught me patience, humility, being in the moment and most of all what it means to give unconditional love. His vulnerability, his complete dependence on me for his existence made me realize how we humans wielded so much power over our 4 legged co-inhabitors. One day I was walking and I was holding him in my hands and I felt his little heart beat and at that moment it hit me. What is the difference between the little guy I was holding in my hand that I loved so much and a chicken that I eat? The realization that there was essentially no difference between the two beings started me on a a journey that I am still on. I immediately stopped eating red meat, later stopped chicken, milk, cheese and about 3 years later fish and became a complete vegan about 7 years ago.

Bravo Nikita top

An Ethiopian vegan shares his story - 21/01/10

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