Animal 0 Posté(e) le 7 mars 2010 Il s'agit de caribous en voie d'extinction. Ils ont aussi fait la même chose l'an dernier: ils ont poursuivi ces animaux à bord de motoneiges pour les abattre. Ils ne sont pas mieux que les chasseurs blancs-------------------------------------------------------------------Hunters may face charges, says NL governmentChiefs representing Innu communities in northeastern Quebec aredefending the actions of hunters who killed animals near a protectedcaribou herd in Labrador last week.Quebec hunters say the slaughter was to protest their exclusion from adeal that will compensate Labrador Innu for the proposed LowerChurchill hydroelectric megaproject.In all, 250 caribou were killed and will be used for food supplies forthe communities, the chiefs said in a statement released Monday.The expedition "was successful and also a great victory," said Georges-Ernest Grégoire, chief of Uashat Mak Mani Utenam. He said the kill hadraised the attention of the Newfoundland and Labrador government."For thousands of years, we have practised the caribou hunt on aterritory we call Nitassinan," said Réal McKenzie, chief of Matimekush-Lac-John. "No border drawn up by Euro-Canadians, upon their arrivalfour centuries ago, can limit Nitassinan and the inherent rights ofits people."Charges may be laidNewfoundland and Labrador's justice minister said Monday he expectscharges to be laid against the Quebec Innu hunters."We certainly do," Felix Collins told CBC News. "We certainly hopethat the evidence will be sufficient to lay charges."Quebec Innu hunters sparked a furor last week when they pursuedcaribou near the protected Red Wine herd, which the Newfoundland andLabrador government believes has just 100 animals.Collins said the government does not know how many animals were killedin last week's hunt, but "we're assuming it's anywhere from 150 to 200."The zone where the hunt took place is closed to hunting in order toprotect the Red Wine herd.Collins admitted that it might be difficult to press charges againstindividual hunters. Conservation officers were kept from the scenelast week, largely for safety reasons, and much of the evidence willbe based on video surveillance from the air."When you put 200 people in there in a volatile situation, a highlycharged situation, then the decision of government is not to put ourpeople in harm's way," Collins told CBC News."Evidence taken from surveillance cameras presents some challengesbecause you have to identify a shooter with a dead animal on theground, and given the angles of the cameras and the lighting and theclothing and distinguishing one individual from the other and whatnot, it takes quite a challenge to do that."Collins said no evidence was seized at the scene.Threat to animals downplayedThe Innu chiefs disputed the idea that hunting by their communitymembers could endanger the caribou."It is not the caribou herd that is on the verge of extinction, butrather the Innu Nation that must fight against assimilation andextinction policies. For us, exercising our rights is a matter ofsurvival," said Jean-Charles Piétacho, Chief of Ekuanitshit.Innu hunters prioritize the respect of the animal and elders used lastweek’s expedition to pass on those skills to the younger generation,the chiefs said in the statement."Our action was not directed against our brothers and sisters of theInnu in Labrador, but against governments that refuse to recognize ourrights and impose fictitious boundaries," said Raphaël Picard, chiefof Pessamit. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
animo-aequoanimo 0 Posté(e) le 7 mars 2010 Citation :ils ont poursuivi ces animaux à bord de motoneiges pour les abattre. Ils ne sont pas mieux que les chasseurs blancsJe n'en doute pas. Ce sont des histoires, leur prétendu respect de la Nature. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites