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Atrocités dans les abattoirs de chevaux

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Dans 2 abattoirs canadiens, des chevaux tués de façon atroce sous le regard des inspecteurs de Santé Canada sans que ceux-ci n'interviennnent.

Enquête filmée par video.
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On nous demande de dénoncer cette situation au ministre Ritz et à l'inspecteur de l'Agence Canadienne des aliments (adresses ci-bas).

On March 30, 2010 the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition released its latest investigative reports on two of Canada's largest horse slaughter plants, Bouvry Exports in Alberta and Richelieu Meats in Quebec:

Chambers of Carnage - A Sweeping Undercover Investigation of Canada's Leading Equine Slaughterhouses

Video cameras captured footage at both facilities in late February 2010. What is happening to our horses in these plants is horrible beyond words. The footage is difficult to view as they contain images of horses meeting their end at the barrel of a gun. Those fortunate enough to go down quickly are spared the suffering of many that do not meet their end so quickly or painlessly. If you find it hard to watch the footage, there are also footage indexes that you can read instead.

From World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA)

"The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) is appalled by evidence of grossly inhumane slaughter of horses taking place in Canada. We have been sent video footage that is stated to have been taken recently in Bouvry Exports Calgary Ltd slaughterhouse in Fort Macleod, Alberta and Viande Richelieu Inc./Richelieu Meat Inc. slaughterhouse in Massueville, Quebec.

It is clear that neither the facilities nor the behaviour of the personnel shown are suited to the humane slaughter of horses, and that extreme suffering results for many individual animals. Problems include failure to restrain each animal's head properly before shooting, shooting from too great a distance, shooting in the wrong part of the head or body, failure to follow up with an immediate second shot in animals that were not killed by the first, hoisting apparently conscious animals, and - in the case of the Richelieu plant - cruel handling and treatment of the horses, including excessive whipping and overuse of an electric prod as well as an apparent callous disregard for the animals' suffering. An additional cause of very major concern is the presence of what appear to be either plant supervisors or inspectors who observe the employees' actions and yet do nothing."

From Nicholas H. Dodman, D.V.M., one of the world's most noted and celebrated veterinary behaviorists, a founding member of Veterinarians for Equine Welfare and Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine Professor

“Noise, blood and suffering is what you get at the Bouvry equine slaughter plant: Horses kicking after they have been shot, sinking down and rising up; sometimes periods of struggling or paddling before a second or third shot has to be administered. This atrocity goes against all veterinary guidelines for humane euthanasia. Terror and suffering is the rule at this equine house of horrors ... and all in the name of the gourmet meat market.”

From Alberta Veterinarian Dr. Debi Zimmermann

"I conclude that the wary and flighty nature of the horse, coupled with the poorly designed kill plant systems currently in place at Bouvry Exports and Viande Richelieu, results in unacceptable levels of suffering endured by horses (both in number of horses and degree of suffering), and poses inherent dangers to plant personnel. The shooters are seldom able to adhere to the required protocols for euthanasia by firearm, due to a combination of horse and human factors."

The CHDC asks you to take action and let the CFIA know that this suffering will not be accepted! There are only 4 operating horse slaughter plants in Canada, yet these are the substandard conditions we can be sure are prevalent at all of them. Horses cannot be humanely killed in an assembly-line fashion. This evidence makes it abundantly clear.

Please contact:

Hon. Gerry Ritz
Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (Minister that oversees the CFIA)
613 Confederation Bldg., House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6

Tel: 613-995-7080; Fax: 613-996-8472

Ms. Carole Swan, President
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
59 Camelot Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Y9

Tel: 613-221-3737; Fax: 613-228-6608

Dr. Brian Evans
Chief Veterinary Officer of Canada
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
59 Camelot Drive, Floor 1, East Room 100
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Y9


Tel: 613-221-4191; Fax 613-228-6608

Also contact your Member of Parliament via this link. Click on his or her name to find their contact information:

Please do it for the horses!

All of the footage compilations from Bouvry and Richelieu have been uploaded onto YouTube here:

Also please visit Memorial Page for horses killed at Bouvry Exports and Richelieu Meats:

Feel free to post this message on social networking sites to encourage others to take action for the horses.

Thank you.

Shelley Grainger

Canadian Horse Defence Coalition

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Dans 2 abattoirs canadiens, des chevaux tués de façon atroce sous le regard des inspecteurs de Santé Canada sans que ceux-ci n'interviennnent.

RÉVOLTANT !!!!!!!!!! MadShitCrying or Very sadMad

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