Animal 0 Posté(e) le 29 juin 2010 City Weekly (Salt Lake City) May 12, 2010Animal Activists Fight for Their Own RightsSome Utah animal advocates fear being put in a legal cage.By Jesse FruhwirthIn June 2008, Jeremy Beckham took a day trip from Seattle to Vancouver,British Columbia, with his girlfriend and brother to visit famed CapilanoSuspension Bridge. The longtime Salt Lake City animal-rights activist had noproblem entering Canada, but his name was flagged by the U.S. Customs andBorder Protection when he returned."They brought me in a separate room, so it was clear they were singling meout," he said. He gave the agent his name, told him he was a student at theUniversity of Utah and that he was just visiting Canada as a tourist. "Then[the agent] said, 'What student groups or political organizations do youbelong to?' " Nervous already, Beckham was now alarmed. Why should hispolitical beliefs have any bearing on his re-entry?Beckham, 25, refused to answer the question, and all others.The agent asked if he was refusing to cooperate with a "national securityinvestigation." Beckham's answer was not what the agent wanted to hear: "I'mnot refusing to [explain] why I was in Canada, [but] I'm not going to answerquestions about my political beliefs." Beckham was cuffed, and he recallsthe agent saying, "You can sit there until you're ready to answer somequestions."He sat handcuffed for an hour or more. Eventually, a "good cop" with a kinddemeanor-to contrast the previous brusque "bad cop"-came into the room anduncuffed Beckham. He asked the same questions as the first agent and Beckhamexplained, for a second time, his trip to the Capilano bridge."Let me tell you a bit about why you were stopped," Beckham says he wastold. "We looked into you, and we know that you are an animal-rightsactivist. Å That's your right. You might not be aware of it, but Canada is ahotbed of violent animal-rights extremism. Å We don't think you're a violentanimal-rights activist necessarily, but we have to ask these questions. Didyou speak with any animal-rights activists [in Canada]'" Beckham remainedsilent.Twenty minutes later, he was free to go.Agree with them or not, understanding their motivation is key tounderstanding tactics that some find unsavory: picketing at animalresearchers' homes, for example, or publicly praising illegal mink releases.While some activists have purposely violated the law in defense of animalrights, those who are not willing to cross legal lines face anxiety-inducingquandaries: When does free speech become illegal support of others' crimes,and what are the consequences of being an "eco-terrorist" sympathizer?Law enforcers from the FBI down to Salt Lake City Prosecutor Sim Gill remindthese activists that ignorance of the law is no excuse for violating it, andyet refuse to issue legal opinions that clearly distinguish illegal behaviorand free speech. An FBI official recently told City Weekly that theactivists have nothing to worry about if they "don't push the envelope." Butactivists are almost sure to keep pushing. In which case, they may face moredetentions at the border, FBI informants in their midst and more revisionsto the legal understandings of free speech and assembly.Animal-Rights "Rock Star"Peter Daniel Young, 32, is certainly the most prominent animalliberator/convicted "eco-terrorist" in Utah. The son of a radio disc jockey,Young was born in California and mostly raised in the Seattle-area communityof Mercer Island. Already a hardcore music fan and Straight Edge kid-meaninghe loved aggressive, angry music but disdained drugs and alcohol- Youngbecame only the second vegan in his high school and hasn't eaten meat ordairy since, not even in prison.The roots of his radical respect for animals can be traced to John Robbins'markedly unradical Diet For a New America television special from 1992,which Young saw in a high school class. The 60-minute film barely mentionsanimal rights and focuses on Americans' unusual levels of meat and dairyconsumption relative to other countries. There's just a brief scene aboutthe conditions of animals on factory farms, but it's presented as more of agross-out to eaters than an argument that animals deserve better treatment.Nevertheless, those images stuck with Young.Young graduated from high school in 1995 and continued his practices ofpicketing businesses that exploited animals. He quickly grew intolerant,however, of the slow pace of progress and moved on to criminal acts ofactivism, often referred to as "direct actions." "We were under the illusionthat this [picketing] was building up toward some crescendo where all theanimals were free, and it just wasn't working."His first illegal direct action was to smash the windows of a Seattle hamstore and paint "Meat is Murder" on the walls. That made the news, as didother crimes he committed anonymously. Before long, though, both cops andnews crews recognized him as an activist. He felt "marked" and neededanonymity to continue his illegal work, so he headed for the Upper Midwestin 1997."The road trip that lead to my indictment was to be my last stop beforecollege," he said. "I wanted to do one last, great thing." That thing was toassist in the release of thousands of mink from their cages at six ranchesin South Dakota, Iowa and Wisconsin, sort of an epicenter of mink farming.Wisconsin is the top producer of mink pelts with 71 farms, according to theU.S. Department of Agriculture. Utah is the second highest, with 65 farms.It's not clear whether Beckham was listed in the FBI's Terrorist ScreeningDatabase, or "watch list" as it's frequently called. Beckham has never beencharged with any so-called "eco-terrorism," but people he knows have, andactivist associates of his have been convicted of picketing-related charges.Beckham believes the government hypes the threat of animal-activist crimesin order to disrupt the entire movement and that merely being an animalactivist can make you guilty by association. Beckham and others believeanimal exploitation is the moral equivalent of human torture or murder, andthey're incredibly earnest and uncompromising in their beliefs that breakingthe laws to free animals is similar to the Underground Railroad.Mink are among the best animals to liberate, Young says, because they'rescrappy survivors who have the instincts for life in the wild. The furindustry disagrees about minks' chances of survival after a lifetime in asmall cage-which is usually only months long-never having time to runaround, much less hunt or swim. Each side has anecdotes and scientificresearch to back their mortality/survival claims.Young and a co-defendant were caught-their red Geo Metro with Washingtonplates had been spotted at mink farms and was seized by a Wisconsinofficer-but he was not indicted until the next year. Young went undergroundand stayed on the lam until 2005, when he was arrested in San Jose, Calif.He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two years in prison and $254,000 inrestitution, most of which went unpaid because he stopped making paymentsafter his one-year probation expired.Young became a convicted eco-terrorist, though he never intended to noractually did hurt anyone-except financially. He sees mink releases as akinto interrupting a rape in progress, so he doesn't have any mixed emotionsabout harming animal-exploitation businesses. He says he's now engaged onlyin above-ground, legal activism because, as a "marked" man, he attracts alot of law-enforcement attention.Young also drew attention of animal-rights activists, becoming a "rock star"among local groups, at least according to a woman who once dated Young andis now suspected of working as an informant for the FBI.Spooky GalSarah Bobbitt was 26 when Young first met her in the spring of 2008.Attractive, blond, a conservative Republican, she was a photographer whoworked for the University of Utah's Daily Utah Chronicle and offered toarrange for photos from protests to appear in the student newspaper. "Shewas strange but disarming at the same time," Young said. Young was not yet aUtah resident, but on a speaking tour passing through the state. Bobbittapproached him about helping her with "a campaign to rescue Guatemala streetdogs, or something," Young said. She asked to go out for dinner after theconference, then asked if she could stay with Young's hosts who were puttinghim up for the night. He obliged."She was very forward," Young said, but never answered whether he wassexually or romantically interested in her. Bobbitt says she briefly datedYoung.Young's Utah comrades, he says, quickly pegged her as a snitch. She dressedconservatively and asked inappropriate questions about illegalactivities-most activists are leery of informants and adhere to "securityculture" (pdf) (in which information on illegal activities is discussed onlyon a need-to-know basis). He defended her, saying "snitch jacketing" someoneprematurely is unfair and counterproductive.Young continued on his speaking tour but returned to Utah shortly after twofur farms-one in South Jordan in August 2008, another in Kaysville a monthlater-had been sabotaged by activists, who released thousands of mink. TheAnimal Liberation Front, a nom de guerre frequently adopted by activists whoanonymously take credit for illegal actions against animal enterprises, tookcredit for the incidents. ALF is listed as a domestic terrorism group by theFBI.When Young and Bobbitt met again, she invited him to Moab for the weekend.The trip got weird before they even got to Price. Young and Bobbitt werestuck in a car together for hours, and she asked several questions about therecent mink releases, Young says, questions which hung in the air likeflatulence.The weekend ended worse than it started. They fought, Bobbitt left him, andYoung was deserted in downtown Moab, where he knew no one and had notransportation.Why is Bobbitt suspected of being an informant, or a confidential humansource (CHS), as the FBI calls them? An FBI reporting document (pdf)describes the trip this way:"CHS reported that Peter Young arrived in Utah about two weeks ago. Å CHStraveled with Young to Moab, Utah, on Thursday, September 25, 2008. CHSreturned to Salt Lake City on Sunday without Young and hasn't talked to himsince."When City Weekly contacted Bobbitt, she denied being an informant. TheFacebook conversation she had with City Weekly went silent after she wasasked about the seemingly incriminating FBI document, which was provided bythe government to defense attorneys for William "BJ" Viehl, 23, and AlexHall, 21, two men who pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court to releasing themink at the South Jordan ranch in August 2008. Other documents suggestBobbitt may have had repeated contacts with the FBI that summer about otheractivists.Of the trip to Moab, Bobbitt wrote: "I am not an FBI informant and yes thisis starting to have an unfortunate effect on my life. ... I briefly datedPeter nearly two years ago and haven't talked to him since. It ended with meleaving him a long way from home, I know I pissed him off, but he wasunstable, manipulative and honestly scared me. Å And as for the 'severalpeople' [activists who believe Bobbitt was an informant], I can only imaginethey are the snobby elitists with whom I actually tried to be friends within fighting for a similar cause. All I can guess is that they pegged thegirl that didn't fit in and who didn't buy into their rock star'smanipulative ego."Beckham is disturbed by informants. He thinks it keeps people fromsupporting animal rights and other social-justice movements. People think,"if the government is monitoring it, there must be something wrong with it,"Beckham said.Bobbitt is not the first individual thought to be an FBI informant by animalrights activists, so they're always on alert. In 2001, City Weeklyinvestigated Richard Stone, who activists complain acted more like aprovocateur than an informant as he sat in on meetings to arrange protestsagainst the 2002 Olympic Rodeo. "He was the type that was always [saying],'When are we going to stop talking and go blow up something?' " says DavidBerg, a Salt Lake City man involved in the pre-Olympic protest planning.According to Berg, Stone even accompanied the activists to a meeting withthe American Civil Liberties Union of Utah organized to discuss protesters'rights.Busy LitigantsThough some complain about being treated like terrorists, there are somestark contrasts between them and suspected terrorist jihadis. Detainees atGuantanamo Bay, for example, have been detained for nearly a decade withoutbeing charged with a crime. The closest local situation with anysimilarity-remote though it may be-is that of Jordan Halliday, 22, principleorganizer of a local Animal Defense League chapter, who spent four months incivil detention for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury aboutthe local mink releases. Halliday says that he endorses mink releases andbelieves he's being targeted for his speech. "[Federal prosecutors] aretrying to view me on the same terms as any ALF member because I'm vocallysupportive of it," he said. He was freed at the expiration of the grand jurybut soon after was charged criminally with contempt, which could send himback to prison for years.Often, the activists are in court as litigants, not defendants, and havesuccessfully argued multiple times that their rights have been violated.The most recent example involved a protest at a mink farm in Morgan County.Members of the Salt Lake Animal Advocacy Movement argued in a federallawsuit that Morgan County and the Utah Department of Public Safety violatedtheir rights to protest near a mink farm in November 2008. In February, thecase was settled, which netted civil rights attorney Brian Barnard nearly$40,000 in legal fees from the state and county.The criminal penalties they suffer have also been rather modest, compared toother convicted terrorists or even to drug convicts, despite complaints thatthe Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act of 2005 lumps them together with otherterrorists. Viehl, for example, was sentenced to two years in prison inFebruary but expects to be released from prison in just five months, hewrote to City Weekly in a letter. He was given credit for time servedpretrial.In 1997, the most destructive act of eco-terrorism in Utah history wascommitted against the Fur Breeders Agriculture Co-op in Sandy, afarmer-owned co-op that provides livestock food, when an incendiary devicestarted a fire that caused about $1 million in damage. Brothers DouglasJoshua Ellerman, then 21, and Clinton Colby Ellerman, then 22, later pleadedguilty to explosives charges and served seven years and five years each inprison, while a federal jury acquitted three others charged in the incident.None are currently active in local animal rights groups.Recently, five activists were acquitted after being charged with violatingSalt Lake City's targeted-residential picketing ordinance, passed in July2007, to manage animal rights protests at the homes of University of Utahresearchers who use animals in their experiments [see "Residential PicketingCase Ends in Acquittals," May 6, City Weekly]. At least six residentialdemonstrations were held after the ordinance passed without arrests, saysacquitted picketer Thomas Risk, but at the seventh demonstration, 16picketers were cited. Others were convicted, four of whom are appealing.But another case local activists have no direct relationship to has themworried. The so-called SHAC-7 case, upheld by the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court ofAppeals in December, charged six activists and their organization-StopHuntingdon Animal Cruelty-with animal-enterprise terrorism and stalking. Thegroup coordinated protests at the homes of officials from Huntingdon LifeSciences, an animal-testing agency based in New Jersey.No one was charged with actually vandalizing property, issuing violentthreats or trespassing, though prosecutors presented unproven evidence ofthose crimes and others. The SHAC-7 were nevertheless convicted ofencouraging and supporting illegal activities, in part, by posting addresseson its Website and cheering on illegal acts that they say were committedexclusively by others. The Center for Constitutional Rights has asked for anen banc review of the 3rd Circuit panel's decision, stating Americans havelong been allowed to condone illegal behavior. CCR argues that what theSHAC-7 did with their Website was "menacing public speech," which has beenprotected by the courts in the past, not a "true threat," which is notprotected.The case deeply concerns Young. He's the closest thing to a SHAC-like entityin Utah. Since his release from prison, he's compiled The Blueprint, anational directory of hundreds of mink farms across the country anddistributes it on his Website. Previous to Hall and Viehl being arrested, heoffered a $2,500 defense fund to anyone arrested in connection with the minkrelease. He repeats ALF communiques posted on other Websites. He publiclyendorses illegal actions like mink releases.Could he be investigated for supporting illegal activities based on thosefacts alone? Industry spokeswoman Teresa Platt is curious about that veryquestion. As the executive director of Fur Commission USA, she knows Youngby name, as well as Viehl, Hall and others. Indeed, she thinks the"terrorist" label is appropriate for them and says ranchers who use animalsare a persecuted minority. "They're just ordinary, hard-working peopletrying to figure out how to deal with these crimes of special-interestdomestic terrorism," she says. She says the roughly 40-year history ofillegal animal-rights actions has contained many violent threats and someactual violence against ranchers and animal researchers, and thus, manyanimal rights actions now carry an implicit threat and encouragement ofviolence. "If you read some of [Young's] statements, they're borderlineincitement, right? He does offer people money should they get caughtbreaking the law. Is that incitement? Å He's probably had legal advice onwhat he can and can not say, but he is close."The FBI won't say how close he is, but it seems the FBI already associatesYoung with at least one of the 150 eco-terrorism investigations the FBIacknowledges are ongoing.The FedsIn March, Young moved to Salt Lake City, where most of his eight roommatesare animal-rights activists, vegan and Straight Edge. The entire householdwas served a search warrant by the FBI on March 15 that authorized theagents to seize any materials that may contain information about Young'stravels, associates, or communications that may be connected to "animalenterprise terrorism." Cell phones, iPods, pictures and computers weretaken, not just from Young, but from some of his roommates.The warrant was issued out of the U.S. Attorneys Office for the SouthernDistrict of Iowa where Scott DeMuth, 22, of Minneapolis, is on trial,accused of vandalizing a University of Iowa animal research laboratory in2004. Young says he doesn't even know DeMuth, nor did he have anything to dowith the Iowa incident, but he blogged critically of the prosecution onmultiple occasions, both before and after the raid. He believes federal lawenforcement is trying not just to hassle and make people distrust him, butto do that to the entire household of activists. Young's roommate, MattBruce, and others in the house believe the FBI purposefully waited for Youngto move in-only four days prior to the raid-in order to instill fear andgather possessions from all of them. "It's definitely been an activist housefor years," Bruce said.Many of the activists want to utilize all legal means in pursuit of theirgoals, and they want clear direction from law enforcement on what, forexample, prompted the FBI to sic an informant on them. How can they avoidbeing investigated in the future but still fully flex their constitutionalrights? Is that even possible?On the municipal level, they have on multiple occasions asked Salt Lake Cityofficials for clear guidance on the residential targeted picketing ordinanceand have gotten nothing-no advice and no guidance. Salt Lake City ProsecutorSim Gill told City Weekly, "My job is not to give legal advice."Especially in the face of the SHAC-7 case and what it represents to them,the activists complain, that's not good enough.Assistant Special Agent in Charge Kenneth Porter, of the FBI field office inSalt Lake City, compares that sentiment to "children asking their parentshow far they can go without being spanked." He has parentlike advice aswell: "Don't push the envelope."Local FBI officials say the line between free speech and illegal support ofothers' crimes is determined on a case-by-case basis, so they can't providea detailed guide on how to approach the line of legality without crossingit. FBI Chief Division Legal Counsel Trent Pedersen said that if activistsare spotted in the middle of the night near a mink farm-as Viehl and Hallonce were-they might be investigated for genuine concerns that they areplanning to commit a crime-which is itself a crime under federal law. Butwhat if the activists are in a researcher's neighborhood late at nightholding candles, which local activists have done during vigils? Does thatjustify a full-blown terrorism investigation involving informants, searchwarrants and all? The FBI won't say.The FBI also declined to discuss the local mink releases from 2008, becauseeven though both Hall and Viehl have pleaded guilty, Hall has yet to besentenced, and the bureau rarely comments on active cases. Likewise, the FBIwouldn't comment on FBI informants past or present the search warrant atYoung's home or whether Beckham is listed on a terrorist watch list.Pedersen says no group is targeted because of its political beliefs and saysthe bureau does not intimidate political groups with investigation toolslike search warrants. "That happened in the '70s Å but the AttorneyGeneral's guidance on that is very clear, we're not authorized to do that."If a political group is to be investigated for suspected criminal activityof its members, he said, "the First Amendment is our guide" and extraprecautions are taken to ensure the investigation won't violate anyone'sconstitutional rights.Which may not be an easy task. Like Young, Viehl and Hall started asabove-ground activists and hung around people from local animal-rightsactivist groups. That doesn't mean anyone else in those groups encouragedViehl and Hall to free mink or even knew they planned to do so, but it couldexplain-and, for some, justify-the use of informants and other investigationtechniques that intimidate, scare and aggravate law-abiding activists evenas they help determine the identities of guilty vandals.Beckham, for one, worries government obstruction of legal actions is part ofthe inspiration for illegal actions like ecoterrorism. He quotes John F.Kennedy, who said, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, makeviolent revolution inevitable."\n-rights.html Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites