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De l'aide pour sauver 1 400 lapins

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L'Université de Victoria (en Colombie Britannique, c'est ça ?) a décidé de tuer 1 400 lapins. Un projet de sanctuaire est né, seulement il faut des sous pour du terrain à acheter ou louer, des clôtures, des abris pour les lapins, et encore des sous pour les soins, pour les stériliser, par ex. etc.

Et aussi des volontaires pour sensibiliser les gens, ou pour aider à construire ce sanctuaire.

Personne à joindre
Maidie Hilmo


Since the University of Victoria announced it will kill 1,400 rabbits unless the community takes them, I am appealing to readers to help save the rabbits.

We need to establish an approved rabbit sanctuary. The Ministry of the Environment is prepared to expedite the permit process. Other communities such as Kelowna, Seattle and Long Beach, Calif., have established successful sanctuaries with public help.

We know from their experiences how to establish safe enclosures to house sterilized rabbits. We have done the research.

I ask the public to join me in finding suitable lands, either donated or on a lease basis, for a sanctuary or for a small number of them. Please give generously either in funds or lands to this charitable enterprise.

We will need everything from help with medical procedures to sterilize the rabbits, to building materials to food supplies.

Also, we need volunteers willing to work in all areas from helping with public awareness campaigns to building enclosures.

The need is urgent, since UVic has given us only one month to get to a reasonable stage so that this will be seen as viable. I can be reached by e-mail at

Please help the rabbits live out the rest of their lives so they can enjoy good health, freedom of space and movement and good companionship.

Maidie Hilmo

Give money and land to save the rabbits - 30/06/1

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Citation :
L'Université de Victoria (en Colombie Britannique, c'est ça ?)

Oui, c'est bien ça, Victoria est la capitale de la C-B.

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