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sondages rodéo

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Calf roping at the Calgary Stampede: Should it be banned?

Yes 43% (1,015 votes)
No 57% (1,335 votes)
Total Votes: 2,350


Here in Calgary we are only three sleeps away from the Calgary Stampede!

Even if you don’t live here, I know you’ve heard of it and might even be a little interested in what the big party is all about. Sure there are tons of cowboys, drinking and fireworks, but there is also always a little bit of controversy.

And this year’s Stampede will be no different.

In yesterday’s Calgary Herald, the Vancouver Humane Society bought a full-page, $15,000 ad that is already forcing everyone to talk about what is always a point of contention for many Calgarians.

Check out the ad below:Whether you’ve ever been to a rodeo or not, it isn’t always an easy thing to watch or even see on the TV. But then again, Calgarians are proud of their rodeos, so many of them are upset over the ad.

So I thought I put the question out to you. Do you agree with the ad? Is it appropriate, or should VHS have used a more graphic image to get their point across?

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Thank you for voting!

Love it! I hate the way animals are treated in rodeos! 60%
Inappropriate. The Calgary Stampede is about history and tradition. 24%
I always go to the rodeo, but I feel weird about it. 6.7%
Screw the animals, where are the mini-donuts? 4%
Other: 5.3%

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Yes 34% (1,108 votes)
No 66% (2,155 votes)
Total Votes: 3,263


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C'est sans doute dû­ au fait que ce sont actuellement les amateurs de rodéo qui lisent le plus sur le sujet mais ça commence à changer un peu : 2 %. J'ai lu ce matin sur les bandes annonces des nouvelles télévisées qu'il y avait eu un accident à Calgary mais je n'en sais pas plus; ils n'en ont pas parlé à ce moment.

Thank you for voting!
Yes 32% (1,176 votes)
No 68% (2,551 votes)
Total Votes: 3,727

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Je n'ai encore rien lu à ce sujet dans les journaux... Peut-être qu'on en saura + demain

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Je pense qu'il s'agit de cet accident ?

Teen bull rider trampled to death at B.C. rodeo

July 11, 2010

A teenage rider was killed Friday at a rodeo in Valemount, B.C. after being trampled by a bull.

Police say Makwala Derickson-Hall -- an 18-year-old from Okanagan First Nation -- was thrown from his bull about 8 p.m. Friday.

Emergency crews at the scene gave first aid to the rider, who was taken to a nearby health unit, where he died of his injuries.

"It's definitely a dangerous sport," said Scott Schiffner, a bull rider from Strathmore competing at the Calgary Stampede.

"It's something that happens, you just never think about it."

Schiffner said he'll hear about a rider getting killed once a year, including practice rides and smaller shows, but he tries to put it out of his mind.

"Condolences go out to the family, of course. It's tragic," said Schiffner.

"But if there was no risk, everybody would be doing it."

About 200 spectators witnessed the tragedy, RCMP Cpl. Annie Linteau said Saturday. The B.C. Coroner's Service is investigating the death.

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Merci hop !

Bizarre ! Ils n'en parlent nulle part dans les journaux du Québec- Pourtant ici aussi c'est la folie des rodéos en ce moment Rolling Eyes

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Bad 24 hours at the Calgary Stampede -- 3 horses dead, 1 rider injured
By: The Canadian Press

12/07/2010 8:32 PM |

Brittany Mercier, of Airdrie, Alta.,gets bucked off her horse during novice
bareback rodeo action at the Calgary Stampede in Calgary on Monday. (JEFF

CALGARY - Three horses have died - two from heart attacks, one after suffering a
broken back - and a rider has been injured at the Calgary Stampede.

On Sunday, a female rider was pinned under her horse when it collapsed and died
from a heart attack during the team cattle penning event, said Stampede
spokesman Doug Fraser.

Fraser said he couldn't release the name or condition of the female rider due to
privacy concerns and would only say she was taken to Foothills hospital.

However, media reports identified her as Amy Carver and said she was listed as
being in intensive care.

On Monday, a horse in a chuckwagon team was doing routine training exercises
when it suffered a heart attack and died. Just a few hours later, during the
novice saddle bronc event, a horse without a rider bucked so hard it broke its
back and had to be euthanized.

"It is unusual and it is unfortunate," said Fraser. "Two of the three horses
died of natural causes. But the death of bucking horse was really a chance

Horses buck in the field every day and don't get hurt, Fraser said.

"It's what they call an empty buck. The rider was already off the horse and
literally he buck so hard, he suffered a major injury and had to be put down

That horse, named Sinder Mountain, belonged to the Calgary Stampede and was from
its "Born to Buck" program at a ranch in Hanna, Alta., said Fraser.

The other two were privately owned horses - one by the rider who was injured,
and the other belonged to Doug Irvine, one of drivers in Rangeland Derby.

"To lose an animal regardless of the circumstance is difficult for the Calgary
Stampede and the owners," Fraser said.

A growing number of animal welfare organizations have taken the Stampede to task
for what they see as cruelty masquerading as entertainment.

The protest spread this year to Britain, where an group called League Against
Cruel Sports called on Ottawa to end "the immense cruelty" inherent in rodeos
and suggested British travel agencies boycott the event by refusing to offer
vacation packages to the Stampede.

In addition, more than 50 members of Parliament signed a motion in the British
House of Commons asking the Canadian government to improve how animals are
treated during the event.

The Vancouver Humane Society also ran a full-page ad in a Calgary newspaper
questioning the entertainment value of the event and calling it a cruel
spectacle of animal abuse.

"I'm afraid it's depressingly predictable," humane society spokesman Peter
Ficker said Monday when asked about the deaths of the horses.

"There are animal deaths of one sort or another at the Stampede almost every
year and the Stampede continues to make various excuses for these deaths, but it
is part and parcel of what happens at rodeos."

He said he had personally never heard of a horse dying of a broken back from
bucking but said the saddle bronc competition "is an event that exposes the
animal to unnecessary risk of death or injury."

As for the chuckwagon death, Ficker said horses in that event die almost every

"There have been over 50 chuckwagon horses die since 1986 at the Stampede," he
said. "Again, we feel that event is putting the horses under unnecessary

Ficker said it would be inappropriate for him to comment on the death of the
animal involved in the team cattle penning incident, given that the rider is
reported to be in serious condition in hospital.

Last year, four animals died during the Stampede, three chuckwagon horses and
one steer.

Stampede officials have insisted the animals are treated humanely and every
effort is made to avoid injuries.

"These animals get the best care," Fraser has said. "These animals couldn't
compete if they weren't treated properly and these animals want to compete."

Debra Probert
Executive Director
Vancouver Humane Society
303 - 8623 Granville Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6P 5A2

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Citation :
"These animals couldn't
compete if they weren't treated properly and these animals want to compete."

Qu'est-ce qu'on peut répondre à des gens qui avancent ce genre de conneries ? Shit

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Je ne sais vraiment pas hop! Ils sont tellement convaincus ! crasy

Les éleveurs aussi utilisent cette excuse: si les poules n'étaient pas heureuses elles ne pondraient pas, ou si les renards n'étaient pas heureux dans leur cage, ils ne produiraient pas une aussi belle fourrure, etc. etc.
quelle connerie en effet ! zut

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C'est l'excuse qu'ils servent aux autres pour se donner bonne conscience afin de continuer à exploiter les animaux. S'ils aimaient ces animaux, ils ne risqueraient pas leur vie. Il ne se passe pas un rodéo sans mort animale.

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Un cheval est mort lors d'une course à Vancouver. On croit que ses oeillères lui auraient bouché la vue

A horse killed in a freak accident at Hastings Racecourse
One person injured

News1130 Staff Jul 31, 2010 17:24:40 PM

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) - A horse is dead and a security guard is injured after a horrific accident at the Hastings Racecourse that sent shockwaves through the audience Saturday.

During the sixth race of the day, a horse named Private Mambo was emerging from the gates when it flipped the jockey off, and charged into the winner's circle where it somersaulted, dying on impact. It appears the horse's blinkers could have come down over its eyes, obstructing its view as it bolted.

Howard Blank with Great Canadian Gaming says it's the first time in his memory that a horse has run that far off the track. "We know when the horse left the gate, it did bump with another horse mildly, which is quite common, but we don't know why the horse veered."

The jockey did not need medical attention, but the security guard who was caught up in the incident is in stable condition in hospital. More people could have been injured had the horse steered off a little more and crashed into the spectators gathering at the finish line to watch the start of the race.

The remaining races of the day were cancelled, however Sunday's races will go ahead as scheduled.

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