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Projet de loi pour interdire la fourrure en Israël

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Le vote aura lieu le 2 septembre. Pour soutenir ce projet de loi, faites parvenir une lettre ou le modèle de lettre ci-bas au ministre d'Israël.

The bill for a total ban on fur trade will be voted on in the Israeli parliament on September 2nd.

This influential bill is being put into jeopardy by the extreme lobbying of the fur industry.

They are demanding of the Israeli Minister for Trade to fight the bill and without his backing the bill can not be voted in.

Our imperative appeal to the Israeli Minister of Trade is to make evident that the global voice is against the cruel fur trade and supports this vital bill. Tell him that he should not be lead by a pitiless greed motivated industry, which is acting out under the reality of a worldwide growing awareness against the fur trade.

The animals need your voice now!!

Please send a letter today to Israel’s Trade Minister telling him that you support this bill and that passage of this ban is vital to the innocent animals in the fur trade and to worldwide public opinion of Israel!

An example of the letter:
Dear Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer

The Israeli bill to ban fur trade is an important advancement in humanity for mankind and Israel and I gave my total support to the bill and the International Anti Fur Coalition.

The barbaric fur trade causes the hundreds of millions of agonizing lives and killings of innocent mammals and all for unnecessary fashion items.

If the ban is voted in, then Israel becomes a world precedent and other nations shall follow you and view Israel as a global leader in compassion over commerce.

Please do the humane thing and aid the bill to ban fur trade and by taking this important action immediately; Israel becomes a light unto the nations.

[Votre Nom]

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