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Arrêté en voulant rescaper 2 chiens

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Un défenseur des animaux à Los Angeles a été arrêté jeudi après avoir tenté de sauver deux chiens enfermés dans une maison parce que les services des animaux craignaient d'être poursuivis s'ils y entraient.

An animal advocate in Los Angeles was arrested on Thursday after trying to rescue two dogs that were locked inside a foreclosed home because Animal Services was worried about getting sued.

Neighbors said that when the owners of the home left, they took all of their belongings except their two dogs. A six-month old puppy was locked inside the house and another dog named Taz was left inside the garage.

Next door neighbor Elisa Woods became concerned for the well-being of the dogs when the temperature “got hotter” and “they were getting hungrier,” so she called for help.

L.A. Animal Services responded to her call and came with food and water, which they shoved through an open window in the house and slipped under a 2 inch opening in the garage. But the officers “didn’t enter the home.”

According to NBC news, the city is required to give a written warning to the owners before entering the home or removing the dogs. The owners have 24 hours to fix the problem.

Animal Services Officer Hoang Dinh said, “Possibility the people could come back and then they could turn this around and sue the city.”

Their actions, or lack or action “wasn’t good enough for animal rescuer Hans Petersen" who is with LA Animal Rescue Org.

He went inside the house and a few minutes later walked out with the puppy.

But before he could help Taz, LAPD arrived on the scene and arrested Petersen for “interfering with Animal Services as they conduct their duties.”

The puppy was taken to the South L.A. Animal Shelter, but Taz was left behind in the garage.

There is no word about how long the dogs had been abandoned or if their owners had left them with any food or water.

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Citation :
“interfering with Animal Services as they conduct their duties....”

qui est de ne rien faire ?

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C'est à peu près ça puisqu'ils ne rentraient pas dans la maison. Admettons qu'ils soient obligés d'émettre un avis écrit 24 hres. à l'avance comme c'est dit dans l'article, mais si le chien est dans une situation inadmissible depuis plus de 24 hres, il devrait y avoir l'alternative de ne pas émettre d'avis dans de tels cas puisque cela devient une urgence.

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