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Animaux de labos traités «humainement» aux US ??

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Selon des chercheurs américains, les animaux de labos sont traités «humainement» et l'interdiction de tester sur des animaux pourrait coûter des vies humaines...


Animal-testing ban could cost lives: researchers

Ian Smith
Even though there are opponents to animal testing, scientific researchers argue that animal research in the United States is covered by a rules and regulations to ensure that animals used in testing are treated humanely.

Agence France-Presse · Monday, Feb. 21, 2011

U.S. researchers on Sunday defended animal testing, telling a small group at one of the biggest science conferences in the United States that not doing animal research would be unethical and cost human lives.

The researchers, who are or have been involved in animal research, told a symposium at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science that testing on animals has led to "dramatic developments in research that have improved and affected the qual-ity of human life."

"To not do animal testing would mean that we would not be able to bring treatments and interventions and cures in a timely way. And what that means is people would die," Stuart Zola of Emory University, which is home to the Yerkes National Primate Research Center, said after the symposium....


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Humainement comme dans "d'une façon spécifique aux humains - la souffrance étant infligée en toute conscience"? Alors oui, ces malheureux animaux sont traités humainement.

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