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Des armes seront testées sur les PHOQUES GRIS

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Researcher wants to test low calibre bullets in seal hunt off Cape Breton

Published: Monday, February 21, 2011 | 4:41 AM ET
Canadian Press

SYDNEY, N.S. - A University of Prince Edward Island professor is planning to conduct research into an alternative method of killing seals.

Pierre-Ives Daoust, a professor of wildlife pathology, has been investigating a method that uses low-calibre bullets that fragment on impact.

Marine mammal regulations specifying that only high-powered rifles can be used in certain areas create problems for sealers working in places like Hay island off Cape Breton.

The small space between hunters and seals carries a high risk of ricochet on the island’s rocky terrain, so they are forced to club the animals.

Daoust says the perceived benefit of using low-calibre bullets to kill grey seals is that the bullets fragment on impact and do not leave the head of the animal.

As part of the experiment, two sealers will be given a special licence to use the low-powered ammunition to harvest several dozen animals.

Each sealer will be followed by a veterinarian to test the efficiency of the weapon.

(Cape Breton Post)

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