Animal 0 Posté(e) le 4 mars 2011 cette nouvelle ne paraït encore nulle part dans les journaux francophones canadiens... Alberta dairy cow found with mad cow diseaseBy Rod Nickel | Reuters – Fri, 4 Mar, 2011 10:05 AM ESTWINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) - Canadian government officials have found a dairycow in Alberta with mad cow disease, but the finding is not surprising andshouldn't affect beef exports, a spokesman for the Canadian Food InspectionAgency said on Friday.The agency confirmed the case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE as thedisease is also known, on February 18 in a 77-month-old dairy cow, spokesman GuyGravelle said.In 2003, the first discovery of a cow in Canada with the disease led to closuresof numerous export markets to Canadian beef. Most have reopened, other thanSouth Korea and China, and importers are no longer as sensitive to new cases ascountries such as Canada now have monitoring systems in place.Canada continues to be rated a "controlled risk" for the disease by the WorldOrganization for Animal Health, Gravelle said. The newest case may delay anyupgrade to Canada's international risk status as a country cannot apply fornegligible status sooner than 11 years after the latest-born case.The cow has been destroyed and no part of its carcass entered the human food oranimal feed systems, Gravelle said.The case, which is believed to be Canada's 18th, should not affect exports ofCanadian cattle or beef, he said, as a small number of BSE cases are expected asCanada monitors for the disease.(Reporting by Rod Nickel; Editing by Walter Bagley) Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites