Animal 0 Posté(e) le 18 mars 2011 Canada Asia Business Network (CABN) est une société de conseil privée qui aide les organismes canadiens à entrer sur le marché chinois. Cette société située à Richmond Colombie-Britannique appartient et est gérée par des Canadiens d'origine chinoise seraient impliqués avec des clients Chinois qui voulaient obtenir des produits animaux en voie d'extinction (ex.: cougars) provenant du Canada (peau, pénis, os, pattes, etc.) Ils auraient contacté des zoos et autres organismes canadiens pour tenter d'obtenir ce genre de produits afin de pouvoir les faire parvenir à des clients Chinois, prêts à payer le prix fort pour en avoir ... ============================================ March 17, 2011 Undercover investigation reveals Richmond firm's bid to buy animal parts from endangered species By Suzanne Fournier, The Province Undercover Vancouver business journalist led the charge that snared a Richmond firm in its bid to secure parts from "endangered" animals for a Chinese client. Photograph by: PNG, PNG The B.C. government has launched an investigation following an undercover probe by The Province that showed a Richmond-based company seeking to buy “captive” tiger fur and bones along with fur from “Canada’s endangered species” for its clients in China.After initially denying its involvement in the animal trade, officials of the Canada to Asia Business Network, when confronted with emails and video evidence obtained by The Province, said they would seek legal counsel on the legality of the animal-trade business.“We would not do anything illegal. I said we wanted to deal with legal company,” said project manager Debbie Wang, saying the CABN didn’t know it was illegal to export tiger parts or offer to buy the fur of Canadian endangered animals.“I have no idea whether it’s against the law or not,” said Wang.... Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites