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Pétition contre l'élevage d'animaux à fourrure en NORVÈGE

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La NORVÈGE pourrait bientôt fermer toutes ses fermes d'élevage d'animaux à fourrure !

Signez la pétition pour demander aux autorités norvégiennes de supporter l'interdiction d'élever des animaux pour leur fourrure.


In a major victory for animal lovers, members of the Norwegian Labour Party voted to shut down Norway's fur industry. According to Views and News from Norway, Popular Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg "will be under marching orders from his party members to urge fur farmers into other lines of work."

It may not be easy to get this through the coalition government, since the farmer-friendly Center Party is likely to support fur farmers. But if the Labour Party is successful, over 300 mink and fox farms will close their doors and open their cages.

The anti-fur sentiment has grown strong in Norway in the past few years. In 2009, an animal rights organization known as Network for Animal Freedom broadcast undercover footage filmed at fur farms on local television. Viewers were outraged by what they saw: animals living in filth, animals with open wounds left untreated, sometimes missing eyes or entire limbs.

At the time, Norwegian Minister of Food and Agriculture Lars Peder Brekk responded to these investigations, stating that the fur industry would lose political support if the fur farms didn't clean up their act. But in 2010, investigations discovered more of the same cruelty.

The recent vote shows that Norwegian politicians are keeping their word to remove support from the cruel operations. And it's a good thing, too: In 2009, the Norwegian government gave the fur industry over 40 million kroner, or over 7 million US dollars. This money could surely be better spent.

If other Norwegian political parties support the fur ban, Norway would be the first country in Scandinavia to ax the fur farming industry. This would be a huge step for a region of the world that has claimed that fur is an "integral part of Nordic culture and history." If Norway can put the animal cruelty in its past, then perhaps the other fur-producing Nordic countries will follow suit.

Sign our petition to tell all Norwegian political parties to support the ban on fur farms.

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