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Abandon de centaines de poules d'un élevage 'plein air'

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Dozens of dead chickens have been found at an abandoned free-range egg farm where starving birds are suspected of turning to cannibalism.

About 50 carcasses were found at the rural Martinborough property last month after council inspectors were tipped off by a concerned neighbour.

The few surviving birds were found living without supplied food, in manure more than half a metre deep, according to a neighbour.

...A neighbour told The Dominion Post that, at its peak, the farm had held about 1000 birds and produced 900-1000 eggs per day.

The 7.7-hectare property on Hinakura Rd was on the market.

The neighbour said many of the chickens had been culled before the property was abandoned last winter, but 200-300 birds had been left to fend for themselves.


Chickens left for dead at free-range egg farm - 21/02/12

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