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"art" - décapitation d'un mouton

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En Allemagne, 2 étudiants en art invitent les internautes à décider par un sondage si un mouton sera ou non décapité.

Two art students from Berlin are inviting internauts to decide if a sheep is to be decapitated in 23 days.

The brightly coloured 3,20 x 1,50 meter guillotine is set up for bloody action; and for a dry run the potential victim's head has already been forced through the opening underneath the ax weighing 40 kilos.

The result of the poll is mind-boggling: So far about 120.000 voters want the harmless animal killed for this perverse 'art'-project but fortunately the number of protests is still somewhat larger.

Officials and animal protection organisations are watching! There will be serious legal consequences in case the students go through with their deadly project but by then the animal will have been sacrificed. Why not stop the evil campaign here and now and bring the animal to safety?

Germany: New 'art' project: Decapitating a sheep ?

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Ils appellent ça de l'art ! C'est de la démence. Ils ont besoin de se faire soigner. Une telle campagne devrait être interdite. C'est de l'incitation à la cruauté.

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