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JO: veaux, vaches, poulets pour la cérémonie d'ouverture

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Trois vaches, 70 moutons et une basse-cour complète seront les stars de la première scène de la cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux olympiques le 27 juillet à Londres, ont annoncé mardi les organisateurs.


JO: veaux, vaches, poulets pour la cérémonie d'ouverture -

Olympic opening ceremony 'is cruel to animals', say campaigners - 12/06/12

Pour protester :
Stop live farmed animals being exploited at the Olympic opening ceremony

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Boyle said that "genuine care will be taken of the animals" who "will feature only in the very beginning of the show during daylight hours and will leave the stadium shortly after the 9 pm start and before any large effects or noisy sequences take place".

...The Slumdog Millionaire director also promised that he would "follow up vigorously" concerns about the fate of the animals after the show, to ensure they were safely retired to animal sanctuaries.

...Peta said it would offer its assistance and suggested Boyle team up with fellow film director Chris Noonan, who made sure that all 48 piglets used in the making of the film Babe were spared the abattoir.

But the group said that Boyle's reply did not fully address their concerns.
"We are satisfied that the animals won't now end up in an abattoir and that much more attention is now being paid to their welfare," said a spokesman.
"But their transport and the stress of unfamiliar surroundings as well as their use as props rather than sentient, sensitive individuals have still not been addressed."


Olympics opening ceremony: Danny Boyle reassures Peta over animal usage - 29/06/12

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"genuine care will be taken of the animals"

On peut dire que c'est la moindre des choses !

Citation :
"We are satisfied that the animals won't now end up in an abattoir and that much more attention is now being paid to their welfare," said a spokesman.

C'est super qu'ils ne finissent pas à l'abattoir. Espérons que l'attention portée à leur bien-être tienne compte de leur offrir des conditions de transport décentes avec un minimum de stress.

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