hop 0 Posté(e) le 17 septembre 2014 An undercover investigator with Mercy For Animals documented horrific animal abuse at Winchester Dairy in New Mexico, a milk supplier to Leprino Foods — the world’s largest mozzarella cheese producer. Leprino Foods is a primary cheese supplier to Pizza Hut, Domino's and Papa John’s restaurants nationwide. The hidden-camera video footage shows: - Workers viciously kicking and punching cows, and stabbing them with screwdrivers, causing bloody wounds and injuries - Cows being violently whipped in their faces and bodies with chains and metal wires - Workers maliciously shocking sick and injured cows and dragging them with tractors Sick or injured cows suffering from open wounds, infections, and injuries left to suffer without proper veterinary carehttp://www.sliceofcruelty.com/http://www.sliceofcruelty.com/ Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites