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***Pampa Training 2007***

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Désolée c'est en Anglais mais je veux bien traduire s'il y a des questions...

Where: Pampa Range, Helchteren. Take exit 29 on the E314 and follow the N715 in the direction of Helchteren / Eindhoven. After about 5km, at Helchteren centre, take right onto the N719 (Kazernelaan) in the direction of Bree and pass the military base on your left. After approx. 2km, turn right at the "café 't Sonnis". This is the "Sonnisstraat" which you have to follow until the end.

When: Training Camp: November 1-4th 2007 & Race: December 7-9th 2007
The stake out will be opened at Thursday for the training camp & Friday for the race, at 1700 hours and not one minute before. Due to military exercises, the site will be inaccessible beforehand.

Trail info Training Camp: 3 & 7km

For Who: The race & training camp are open for both Purebred and Alaskan Husky teams. This race is organized by the member clubs of Mushing Belgium. Concerning the admission of Alaskan Huskies we work together with the FBMC. Race organised in support of the Belgian delegation @ WSA EC/WC events.

Logistics: Toilets (men/women), water, multiple stake-outs, waste container, "Musher's Bar"

Cost Training Camp: 5€ on site (no sign-up required).

Catering Training Camp: hamburgers, saucisses, soup, ...
Musher Diner Race: To be confirmed. In the heated tent. Attention! You must make a reservation with your online subscription, you CANNOT order there and then! Children aged 12 years or younger eat for FREE!

Timings Training Camp (4 days this year!):

* Stake Out open Thursday 1700h
* Administration asap upon Arrival (starting bib mandatory)
* Late Night Training Thursday between 1800h and 2000h :: new!
* First Start Friday, Saturday & Sunday after 0700h
* Teams back in before 2000h, except on Sunday, before 1300h
* Presentation ???: Saturday ??h??
* Presentation ???: Saturday ??h??
* VFS General Assembly: Saturday 1300h
* MBEL General Assembly: Friday 1300h
* Dogs in the boxes from 2300h till 0700h

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super les photos !!! merci !

Charko est trop beau et Ethna à l'effort me plait bcp I love you

Je suis fan de l'attelage de roux Very Happy mes préférés sont quand on regarde de face, le dernier à gauche et le mileu à droite... ce seraient deux mâles ?? (m'étonnerait pas ^^)

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J'adore ce kart Smile
Le dernier à gauche c'est Yorki (Chouchou). C'est bien un mâle. Le chien du milieu à droite c'est Zanouk, femelle.

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décidément j'aime vraiment ton Yorki pour tjs le trouver beau Razz
comme quoi il m'arrive d'aimer des femelles. hihi. ça dépend vraiment du chien, mes goûts (mais je finirai par me décider sur le sexe..)

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