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Rapport "Conventions especes migratrices"

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Raptors and owls are known to be susceptible to many threats, including pollution, poisoning, hunting, persecution, illegal taking and trade (e.g. for falconry), collisions and electrocution from overhead power-lines, disturbance and in particular land use practices that reduce prey availability and suitable breeding habitat (Thiollay 1994; White et al. 1994).

Furthermore, many migratory raptors are particularly vulnerable because they migrate over long distances and require networks of suitable habitat, and whilst migrating many species congregate at land-bridges and mountain passes etc, where they are especially susceptible to intensive hunting and trapping, (Zalles & Bildstein 2000). Consequently a high proportion of them appear to be at risk of global extinction or undergoing national or regional declines.

As a result of these concerns and apparent failings in current conservation actions for raptors, there have been calls for further new conservation measures, especially for migratory species. In particular there appears to be broad support for the instigation of a new instrument for African-Eurasian migratory raptors, under the Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals2 (CMS). This was most recently expressed by resolutions adopted by the World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls (WWGBP) at the VI World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls, in Budapest, 18-23 May 2003

The overall study involves the following activities:
• An assessment of the status of raptors in the African-Eurasian region and their need for further conservation measures (this report).
• Evaluation of a potential CMS instrument for migratory raptors.
• Consultation on the status of raptors and the role and support for a potential CMS instrument for migratory raptors.
• Preparation of a draft instrument, action plan and implementation arrangements, if the needs assessment and consultation provides a strong case for a CMS raptor instrument.

c'est en anglais et scientifique, mais interressant à lire.

Il y a l'analyse du statu des diverses conventions internationnales, le staut des pays eu égard à la protection, le statu de chaque espèce migratrice, et tout à la fin, la liste des sites de concentration lors des migrations.

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