Janick11 0 Posté(e) le 24 août 2007 Bonjour, Peut être certains d'entre vous avaient lu ce que j'avais rajouté il y a quelques jours sur le poème "rainbow bridge (dans l'arc en ciel pour les nouveaux) et que j'efface aujourd'hui puisque je vous le mets tt en bas de ce post. En effet, ce poème est toujours indiqué sur le net comme "auteur inconnu" or, j'ai trouvé des textes donnant 3 auteurs possibles. En allant un peu plus loin, j'ai eu le nom de celui qui était le plus proche des versions habituelles et en particulier de la version française mise sur les poilus. Je lui ai écrit, et voici sa réponse : """""Dear Janick, Thank you for writing. Yes, you may use the poem on your website with these conditions: 1. the poem should be accurately written and correctly attributed to "William N. Britton" AND 2. the title of the poem should be correctly written as "The Legend of Rainbow Bridge" AND 3. the poem should be accompanied by the line "reprinted with the permission of the author" AND 4. a prominent link should be added near the poem (above, below or to the side) so that those wishing to learn more about Mr. Britton or wishing to purchase his book can easily do so. That link is http://www.legendofrainbowbridge.com The new book is not currently available for sale in France. We have mailed orders to various other countries but the shipping can sometimes be expensive. If you're interested in learning more, please let me know and I can find out the costs. Thank you again for contacting us. All the best, Chava (for Mr. Britton) """""""""""" SI QUELQU'UN A DE LA FAMILLE AUX USA, et si les 3 livres cités plus bas sont en librairie, je ne détesterais pas qu'une personne puisse les feuilleter et noté jour et mois des copyright Une chose est sure : de nombreuses personnes ont écrit sur ce même thème, les phrases se ressemblent quasiment mot pour mot, la conclusion est quasi la même. Pas facile de savoir qui est l'auteur initial, sauf à être sûre de la date de copyright, du texte exact, avec sa traduction au mot près. Dahm l'aurait écrit en 1981... mais copyright en 94 et publié en 1998, William N. Britton copyright et publié en 94 Dr. Wallace Sife 1ère édition de "the loss of a pet" 1993 Par ailleur sur wiki il est indiqué : """"The first mention of the "Rainbow Bridge" poem on the internet is a post on the newsgroup rec.pets.dogs, dated January 7, 1993, quoting the poem from a 1992 (or earlier) issue of "Mid-Atlantic Great Dane Rescue League Newsletter", which in turn is stated to have quoted it from the Akita Rescue Society of America. Other posts from 1993 suggest it was already well established and being circulated on the Internet at that time, enough for a single line quote to be expected to be recognised by other newsgroup readers."""""" Bref , pas évident !! La version française des poilus étant toutefois extrêmement proche (voire identique) de celle de William N. Britton, et ayant son autorisation, je mettrai donc son poème. ----------------------- Pour info : ------------------------ Ce poème est repris sur la plupart des sites avec "auteur inconnu". Il y avait un nom sur la vidéo que je viens de rajouter. Je pensais enfin connaître celui qui avait écrit cet hommage. Toutefois, il semble que 3 personnes au même moment aient rédigé sensiblement la même chose. Il faudrait avoir sous les yeux les 3 livres pour mettre enfin un nom à la place d'"auteur inconnu". """" Who Is the Real Author of The Rainbow Bridge This question is clouded in mystery, since the poem has been copied so many times on the Internet as "author unknown," that it seems to have moved into the area of public domain. I have the poem reprinted on this site too, originally as "author unknown," until a friend emailed me with the indentity of the person he believed to be the true author. Apparently, however, it appears that at least two other writers lay claim to being the original author, or to having written something remarkably similar to The Rainbow Bridge, as we know it. The known contenders presently are: Paul C. Dahm Last known to live in Lincoln City, OR Dahm is a grief counselor. He is said to have written the poem in 1981, copyrighted it in 1994, and published it a book titled "The Rainbow Bridge" in 1998. William N. Britton Mr. Britton's book, Legend of Rainbow Bridge, copyright and published in 1994 , has lovely illustrations by Ron Dawson. Mr. Britton and his late wife were co-founders of Companion Golden Retriever Rescue in West Jordan, Utah. Dr. Wallace Sife Also a professional grief counselor, Dr. Sife heads the Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement, and his version of the poem, titled, "All Pets Go to Heaven," appears on that organization's site. Dr.Fife's poem also is featured in his book, The Loss of a Pet. I've never forgotten something I learned years ago, when I majored in music in college. Our much-respected teacher, Mr. Froelich, taught us that music IS. That is, music is out there in the air somewhere, and it only takes a talented composer to snatch it out of the stratosphere and put it on paper, to be transformed by instruments and voice to the glorious musical pieces that sing in our hearts. So, in effect, the writing of music is not creation, but is discovery. Mozart did not create his haunting Requiem; he discovered it. I have a belief that the Rainbow Bridge is very similar to music in that respect. It has always been there; it just took an enlightened soul (or three) to discover it. Our quest for the real author of The Rainbow Bridge may never be undeniably resolved, but one true thing rings clear: This sweet story will continue to bring peace and comfort to thousands of animal lovers through the ages to come. And one-by-one we will some day be reunited with our loved cats and dogs that have gone before. """"""""""""""" ( pris sur http://cats.about.com/od/lossandgrieving/a/rainbowbridge.htm http://cats.about.com/od/lossandgrieving/a/rainbowbridge_2.htm ) 1) La vidéo donne le nom de PAUL C. DAHM. Vous trouverez son poème sur http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Zoo/4809/Memories/ForTaz.html Toutefois, ses mots ne sont pas identiques à la version que l'on retrouve sur la plupart des sites et dont notre version française est tirée. 2) sur ce site le texte anglais semble par contre être le même : """"" The Legend of Rainbow Bridge William N. Britton. Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When a pet dies who has been especially close to a person here on earth, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are beautiful meadows and grassy hills there for all our special friends so they can run and play together. There is always plenty of their favorite food to eat, plenty of fresh spring water for them to drink, and every day is filled with sunshine so our little friends are warm and comfortable. All the pets that had been ill or old are now restored to health and youth. Those that had been hurt or maimed are now whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The pets we loved are happy and content except for one small thing. Each one misses someone very special who was left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one of them suddenly stops and looks off into the distance hills. It is as if they heard a whistle or were given a signal of some kind. Their eyes are bright and intent. Their body begins to quiver. All at once they break away from the group, flying like a deer over the grass, their little legs carrying them faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you hug and cling to them in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. Happy kisses rain upon your face. Your hands once again caress the beloved head. You look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet so long gone from your life, but never absent from your heart. Then with your beloved pet by your side, you will cross the Rainbow Bridge together. Your Sacred Circle is now complete again. - William N. Britton. All rights reserved - reprinted with the permission of the author Mr. Britton is the cofounder, along with his wife Mickie, of the Golden Retriever Rescue in Utah. This organization has rescued over 5,000 Golden Retrievers since its creation in 1988. Mr. Britton has authored numerous stories about animals. The Legend of Rainbow Bridge. Note - Throughout the internet there are actually several forms (or versions) of the poem above. Many of which are attributed to "anonymous". However, Mr. Britton is the actual author of the original poem (as shown above). Below are the authors of two alternate versions of the poem that may or may not be based on the above poem by William N. Britton. Paul C. Dahm - Mr. Dahm wrote "The Rainbow Bridge" which is featured in his book "The Rainbow Bridge". Dr. Wallace Sife - Dr. Sife wrote "All Pets Go to Heaven," which is featured in his book "The Loss of a Pet". """"""""" pris sur http://www.pelaqitapersians.com/bridge.html Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Is@ 0 Posté(e) le 24 août 2007 ok miss Marple, on en prend note Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Janick11 0 Posté(e) le 24 août 2007 mais alors le livre, ou l'ancienne version TV avec Joan Hickson pas la nouvelle ! Qu'en penses tu Maggy ? Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Invité Posté(e) le 24 août 2007 Je préfère la nouvelle....... Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
taiga02 0 Posté(e) le 24 août 2007 moi je prefere l'ancienne !!!!!! En tous les cas Bravo pour ce travail de recherche. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Invité Posté(e) le 24 août 2007 La nouvelle est plus conforme à l'idée que je m'en faisais à la lecture des livres ! L'ancienne tient à peine debout..... Géraldine Mac Ewan est dynamique, rigolotte et énergique ! Joan Hickson est au bord de tomber dans les pommes à chaque apparition !!! Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites