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Quinlent Naughty Nature & Little Eartquakes Fadgadget

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Here some pics of the pups form britt en fatti...
The red boy our Sjefke

and our girl Tara

We want to thank Loes en Geert for let us use Fatti for this combi we are very proud of the pups we get of this combi..... cheers
Thanks for looking the pics....

greetings sil flower

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Hello Syl,

I'm also very proud of the puppies. Sjefke has got the character of his father. He's a real little bandit. affraid Laughing
I'm looking forward to see them at the clubmatch. They are both gorgeous I love you I love you and I'm sure that you will have a lot of fun with them on shows. Wink

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mooie pups sil , maar dat weet je al
hoop van te kunnen komen naar de clubmatch zodat ik ze in echt kan zien en ook gracie natuurlijk

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c est vrai, lol! qu il sont beaux surtout le fauve j adore flower

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staffy57 a écrit:
c est vrai, lol! qu il sont beaux surtout le fauve j adore flower

Merci! J'adores aussi le male fauve. J'ai vu les chiots quand ils ont 4 semaines et il est impressionnant. I love you I love you

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Little Earthquakes a écrit:
Hello Syl,

I'm also very proud of the puppies. Sjefke has got the character of his father. He's a real little bandit. affraid Laughing
I'm looking forward to see them at the clubmatch. They are both gorgeous I love you I love you and I'm sure that you will have a lot of fun with them on shows. Wink

Hey Loes...sjefke has got the character of his is really a little bandit...a Smile and i go to training with them now for too learn stand nicely....hahah....sjefke like it a lot there....he have a big mouth too the bigger dogs there...he thinks that he is a very big boy already.... en the little Tara is a very sweet girl...just like her mother...we are very proud on both of them....we have every thing that we want...a little girl and a very big boy and 1 red one.... lol!

greetings sil

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Red boy is beautifuuull

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Hey Loes ....we are proud of them...and can't wait too see you too and your little doggies...

greetings sil

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this picture is also make on the zoo....he is look like his father very mutch..

greetings sil

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Prachtige foto. Hij lijkt op deze foto een onschuldig mannetje maar wij weten wel beter. lol! lol! lol! Ik ben helemaal weg van zijn bone. Hij heeft van die superdikke berepootjes. Geweldig om te zien. I love you

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hij heeft zeker hele dikke berepootjes...hahah...oh wee als hij echt ergens zijn zinnen op heeft gezet dan is hij niet meer zo onschuldig...hahaha...hij is super leuk...

groetjes sil

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