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Carbonarastaff Tiger's Turmalin- Puchi

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Hello Carbonara!
Beautiful lady - I hope I'll see Puchi at some dogs show Wink

Best regards!

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thank you for kind words about my Puchi. she is now 4 mounts old girl. this is not good time for staffie puppy hahah I know that:)) but we start prepere to dog show:))


and learnt to stand

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I love you I love you I love you I love you
kisses to little Puchi,
she is so great for 4 months!
and really ready for shows Wink Very Happy

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thank you so much for kind words. I make her new pics today. I apologize for bad quality of pics but in warsow is terrible day and my camera is stupid hahaha
Probably we start dog show in next year and maybe we arrive to France in may Smile)



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waouhhhh what a beautiful girl!!!! i love her!!!!!! I have the impression that it looks like in head to éros? Happy birthday to the beautifull princess!

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