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Manchester Championship Show

Messages recommandés

Minor puppy dog
Ashstock knight shadow
Denegar Eli
Rowansblac lovely jubbly for baladonna
Bullhawk in a pickle
Karwillage Horlicks

Minor puppy bitch
Albermarbull red rose
Flintstaff Helena ???
Oxstoks cherry blossom
Waystaff Danish delight
Princess say wot dazzler

Puppy dog
Diamonds of Blanche rium black steel
Waystaff diggers double
Pitstars prime time
Rowansblac luvly jubbly for belladonna
Noblestaff voodoo storm

Puppy bitch
Mishdar's crowd pleaser
Elitebull serenity
Noblestaff voodoo star
Jazzygem cherry red albermarbull
Ashstaff black Opel of starolestaff .???

Junior dog
Ecypstaff cuz l can
Kyraloebis Italian gigalo
Waystaff strikes out
Rellec prince buster
Tillcarr fire Marshall

Junior bitch
Emperorstaff finesse
Kyraloebis sweetest taboo
Tagstane dangerous delight
Chapmeek lady gaga
Albermarbull fire'n'ice

Yearling dog
Zakstaff dark knight
Staffanatic's falcon airforce one
Harkline mr grimsdale
Quatros gentle lad
Quatros neat and tidy

Yearling bitch
Janakasco miss hellfyre of starolestaff
Herodotus well lush
Blazinstaff volcanic vogue for staffknot
Roughnecks see the stars of inshaig
Pome's world flagpole sitta

Post grad dog
Inner steel of foyleoak
Blazinstaff sacrifice
Little beau Geste
Wanneville's Chinese zodiac
Staffanatics falcon airforce one

Post grad bitch
Nicoles little princess
Cannichbull sweet mystery
Jackknife salvation at jagsstaff
Waystaff Dutch showgirl
Wannevilles Pepsi max

Limit dog
Aboriginal one and only
Rowellstaff mr ferguson
Lackyle aonread aineas
Albermarbull ice white
Blazinstaff light my fire jw

Limit bitch
Miss cherie at jodanzac
Janicasco in ya dreamz
Herodotus whats occurin
Belladonna bombshell
Pitstars pure poison at smokemont

Open dog
It' prince Nadeem great 'n' glory
Ch Ramblestaff ebeneezer good
Hubbulls Nebraska at mountarw
Mitstaff fun to flex
Jagsstaff the fisher king

Open bitch
Ch briganah breaking dawn
Ch bourtie wot a steal
Spinnjack mistletoe Magic for acrestaf
Waystaff double strike

Veteran dog
Ch and Irish ch jagsstaff the advocate

Dcc it's prince nazeem great 'n' glory
Drcc inner steel of foyleoak
Bcc janicasco miss hellfire of starolestaff
Brcc Herodotus well Lush

Bob - It's prince nazeem great 'n' glory
BPIB - Mishdar's crowd pleaser

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ce fut un plaisir de "handler" Mr Gringo , qui loupe la première place à un cheveu par son manque de "métier" mais ça va venir Wink
Tj félicite ses 2 "petits" présents ce jour Gringo et Flag qui se classent tous les deux ! I love you

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Felicitations !! Dommage que Joseph n'était pas là !

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Manchester General Championship Show


Judge Mrs. A Hubery (Staffordshire Bull Terrier Dogs)

Thank you to the society for inviting me to judge dogs. Thank you to my steward who did a very good job, but I think it may have been beneficial to have 2 stewards to oversee the smoother running of the ring.

My opinion on the dog’s today well where do I begin. First of all I would like to mention I was highly delighted with the Stafford’s I placed and most that went cardless were just pipped at the post by minor details.

My final line up were exceptional; full of breed type and fitting the standard not over done with movement so true without tripping themselves up. All these will change places on another day I am sure.

The negatives I saw and was disappointed in a few exhibits, I just do not know where the breed is going.

I found to my distaste heads that were far too fleshy too much wrinkle about the foreface. On opening some mouths I could not find the teeth because of thickness of flesh inside the mouth if there ever was an altercation this would be the first point of injury. In some exhibits lips would reach the bottom of the jaw line. A Stafford has to be clean in lip. Too much more to grab hold of again. Another dislike of mine is long backs although not many this point must be addressed as it does not put the Stafford in balance as four square. There were toplines more akin to a Whippet which made movement so irratic.Over loaded shoulders and too much bone is not what we want in our Stafford’s. Feet these must be corrected also I saw splayed flat feet with long toes.

A Stafford must move effortlessly with drive parallel movement not hackney and certainly not restricted on the front. We as breeders must be aware and advise especially our new owners and breeders that it is not always best to breed because they have won a class it takes careful planning if not we will loose breed type. So my opinion what I found today Fleshy heads, too much thickness in the lips , thickness of flesh inside the mouth , long backs, splayed feet , long toes, and movement. Gladly there were not too many.

Sorry for going on but if not addressed it may get worse.

I was looking for Breed Type today. Standard not overdone clean in all departments and moved with drive without tripping themselves over. Dogs I placed today had all this I was satisfied with all my placings some who did go cardless where minor points were considered and would and could do better on another day.

M.P.D. 11{3 abs.}
1st. Thomas; Ashstock Knight Shadow. A soundly constructed red, nice shaped head for age, ears need to settle they are small, just unsure of his surroundings, dark pigmentation, sound in front compact body, moved true well handled.Best Puppy Dog.

2nd. Wheeler; Denager Ell. A b/b who I liked a lot in the standard, head not as mature as winner, he had very good pigmentation, and clean in head, well placed shoulders into enough rib for age, stood 4 square, tight in coat and handled with care.

3rd. Nicholson; Rowansblac Lovely Jubbly For Ballindona. 3 beautiful puppy’s this one was smaller in make than 1st & 2nd b/b his head shape was stronger and good bite, round dark eye, I just liked the little more lift on the higher placed puppy’s positions will change no doubt. Well Done.

Puppy Dog. 8 {3 Abs.}
1st. Quinn; Diamond Of Blanch Rium Black Steel; taf. Smart puppy of excellent quality, head not overdone, dark eyes which were round, keen expression, tight lipped, clean underjaw, neck in proportion going into well placed shoulders that were correct for a puppy, front not wide but not narrow, in the standard, level topline, perfect tail set moved soundly enough but unsure of his surrounding but should get more confidence as he matures will watch this one with interest. Well done.

2nd. Waystaff Diggers Double . Immature to winner but hands on is a must for this puppy, head of correct shape good round eyes, ears a shade heavier than 1st place, he was clean in foreface on maturity should get fill under the eyes, well shaped neck , front a little narrower than I like, but the body made up for it, brisket beginning to drop he also was unsure of the job in hand a little timid but enough to like .

3rd. Kendal; Pitstars Prime Time . Brindle of good body proportions , stronger in head that the winners in this class, powerful in neck, dark pigmentation , level topline very well presented would have preferred cleaner underjaw.

Junior Dog . 16 {2 Abs.}
1st. Davies; Eclypstaff Cuz I Can. Of course you can B/B who is right on standard. Not overdone in any department as a junior should look. Another that should have hands on , on looking I thought not quite enough for me but was wrong head strong and correct ratio without coarseness, he used his ears to advantage and were of correct shape, black nose & nails, I liked his front that was true, elbows tucked in ample rib going into a nice tuck up in loins not a great bend of stifle but a good let down of hock, he did move soundly although closer on the hindquarters moved with care I will watch this one as he matures well done.

2nd. Plant; Kyraloebis Italion Gigalo. What an outstanding youngster, who I feel will go far if he continues how he looks. A b/b stronger all round than 1st. punishing head piece with the darkest of eyes gleaming, tight lipped & perfect bite , very clean underjaw into well laid shoulders a bit softer to the touch but with maturity and work should excel into a very promising Stafford . This class was very close my deciding factor on that day was the cleanness of winner. 2 lovely dogs that can grace my couch, separately of course.

3rd. Stanway; Waystaff Strikes Out. Pied of quality just liked the overall picture of the first two. Head of correct shape just needs to mature soft to the touch, good pigmentation round dark eye which gave him that keen expression. Although short in stop he carried a tad more in lip but as head develops this should balance it out. Level topline and moved with care soundly put together.

Y.Dog. 10 {2 Abs.}
1st. Bruton; Zacstaff Dark Knight. b/b bang on standard, strong head ears well placed, round eyes fill in under the eyes gave him the correct expression. Cheek bumps apparent without being overdone, clean in lip and big teeth, muscular neck into well laid shoulders, ample rib for heart and lungs he was short on back and coupling he stood four square and movement was sound after moving him a couple of times. My deciding factor in the line up was the cleaner lines. as he matures no doubt he will attain this well done.

2nd. Rault; Staffanatic’s Falcon Air Force One. b/b who deserved his place today not the biggest of heads but is not just about the head, correct shape, with dark eyes, longer in stop than winner but no exaggeration tight lipped with good level bite, neck with slight arch into not overloaded shoulders, he had the little lift on front legs with enough bone, ribs beginning to develop and nicely tucked up he was expertly handled on maturity should trouble the best.

3rd. Harkin; Harkline Mr. Grimsdale. A promising youngster in good tight coat, I liked his head shape better than the winners but the overall package I preferred the little bit lift on the front very well presented.

Post Grad. Dog . 13{3 Abs.}
1st. Jones; Innersteel of Foyleok. What a cracking Stafford. Red of quality have seen from afar in puppy & junior did not look twice then but today he demanded attention. I liked his overall type not overdone head clean but strong, lovely ears which he used to his advantage. Good pigmentation , cheek muscles pronounced into tight lips level bite and strong underjaw, muscular shortish neck, front so sound, shoulders clean not over muscular , deep in chest leading into a good tuck up and level topline. He is so well balanced and fits the standard well, it was a close decision my deciding factor I would have liked a little more muscle tone on hams to complete the whole picture . He secured the R.C.C. well done.

2nd. Dearmans; Blazenstaffs Sacrifice. Another quality deeper red, a little more about this one than 1st. but nothing to dislike, head & foreface stronger but still balanced, wider in front I liked his bone structure straight in legs, with good feet , good spring of rib a shade longer in back but sill short coupled very well constructed this one had the muscle definition but my final opinion was I preferred the compactness of winner. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to go over these 2 well done.

3rd. Price; Little Beau Gest. A lovely headed male clean in foreface and tight lipped . short tight coat in good condition, a little longer in back , he was full of breed type not over done he did move effortlessly well handled in good competition today.

Limit Dog. 16 {1 Abs.}
1st. Scanlon; Aboriginal One an Only. Another quality class with placings changing on another day. A b/b in the standard height & weight, good width of skull carrying a rose ear and darkest of eyes fill under the eyes complimented his keen expression, just the right amount of bone without being too dense. Tight feet , ample rib with level topline, short on back good bend of stifle which he used with power on the move when he settled down. Presented with care .

2nd. Fowell & Morris ; Rowell Mr. Ferguson. A Handsome red who I have admired from the ring side, he did not disappoint, stronger in all departments than 1st. This breed is just not a head breed it is the total package, powerful in front with straight legs, well laid shoulders with well sprung ribs, longer in back but still short coupled, level topline and muscular hindquarters I felt he moved better than winner going away but again looked for the whole picture and this was compactness not a lot in this one very close decision well done.

3rd. Plant; Lackyle Aonread Aineas; b/b I just loved this dog again he was in very good company today my closest class of the day powerful in head with nice set on of ears very strong in muzzle , a tad more lip than 1st & 2nd. Strong underjaw. I liked his expression . Powerful neck with excellent shoulders elbows tucked in , brisket deep without be overdone well tucked up and level topline neat whip tail, he moved so true. Today I preferred the shortness. 3 beautiful Stafford’s

Open dog. 17 {3 Abs.}
An excellent class the decisions were so close there was just a minute factor I was pleased with my 5 placings those that did not make the cut it was minimal.
1st. Weiss; It’ s Prince Naseem Great’n Glory. b/b who excels in quality the standard was written for this Stafford. Through my classes I was looking for breed type, standard not overdone. No exaggerations for me this dog had it . 16 inch 38 lb. head in proportion to his compact body, very keen expression, dark round eyes nicely filled in under the eyes, black nose and lips, good mouth with big teeth he was clean underjaw with powerful neck tapering into well laid shoulders, leg length was just right ample brisket to balance his short back and level topline with excellent tuck up hindquarters were strong without being over angulated, he moved so effortlessly maybe a smidgeon close but the perfect Stafford has not been bred yet this dog is so full of breed type and a bonus he had ring presence and was handled to advantage. He was my C.C. B.O.B with joint decision from Tom Hehir . the dog did not disgrace the breed in the group where he attained group 4 very well done and thank you for the privilege of judging a fine example of the breed.

2nd.Scarlett; Ch . Ramblestaff Ebenezer Good. JW. b/b of the same make & shape a worthy champion who to fits the standard a little stronger head than winner, so clean in skull correct ear carriage I liked his keen expression, good bite and very tight lipped, he had a powerful neck without being course. Smooth coat which was in excellent condition, he had a good spring of rib short and compact body. Moved soundly. Close decisions on 1st. in p/grad open and 2nd in open. Thank you .

3rd. Williams; Hubbulls Nebraska at Mountarw . A beautiful looking red who caught my eye, well constructed body with a blend of bull & terrier very good head darkest of pigmentation, he had little more lip than the other 2 but strong underjaw, well muscled neck , well off for rib and a shade longer in back I liked his strong back end which he used without effort on the move. 3 outstanding Stafford’s.

V.Dog. 1 entry.
1st. Ridley; CH. Jagstaff The Advocate still full of breed type and keeping his head shape seemed to enjoy his day and moved without a care in the world worthy Champion .

G.C. 2 entry’s
1st Pearce; Quatrus Gentle Lad. He stood four square good enough head, with round eyes keen expression not over done moved with care. He was placed 4th in yearling.

2nd. Priest; Mintmar Got The Look . Strong in head a b/b who was a little light in the eye and carried some weight today

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